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Subject: Re: Sept 2022 Lance Monthly Now Posted

Randy Steele
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Date Posted: Thu September 15, 2022 08:55:21
In reply to: Dick Stewart 's message, "Re: Sept 2022 Lance Monthly Now Posted" on Wed September 14, 2022 23:45:12

Good morning Mr. Stewart,

Thank you for your kind words. Believe me, the honor was all mine.

I am thrilled that you felt my responses to your questions about how and why the Big Bopper exhumation took place was worthy of being included in your wonderful publication, The Lance Monthly. I have been an avid fan and reader of it for years. Regarding the posters here not reading my story in there, well that’s okay as it’s their choice.

As you well know, the purpose of my writing in the first place was to set the record straight as to how Jay Richardson came to the decision to allow the Big Bopper exhumation and forensic examination to take place. Jay Richardson and I were very close friends and I knew his every thought on the matter and I can assure anyone that Jay was never in it for publicity and he never intended to sell the old casket either.

Looking back now, I am grateful to you for encouraging me "put my thoughts to paper" and for providing me the space to defend Jay’s decisions and actions. He’s been gone nine years and I still miss him very much. I miss his big and very loud laugh! He was a joy to be around.

In closing, someone on this message board mentioned how much they enjoy reading your articles. I too am a fan of your writing style. My favorite part of The Lance Monthly is that I know that you're not in it for fame or fortune, you're in it because you love the music and you want to make sure others have a chance to love it too. That is pretty awesome if you asked me.

I would HIGHLY recommend your book "Eleven Unsung Heroes of Early Rock & Roll". Time and time again, you make the person being interviewed feel comfortable that they go the extra mile with you in sharing their stories and this book is a testimony to it. I can’t wait to pick up your other books. For anyone interested in picking up their own copy, please go to www.lancerecords.com .

Thanks again and Rave On!

Randy Steele

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Subject Author Date
Re: Sept 2022 Lance Monthly Now PostedDick Stewart (The spelling was corrected)Thu September 15, 2022 23:03:18

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