Dale (actual, true, genuine or psuedo?)
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Date Posted: Tue September 20, 2022 17:46:00
In reply to:
's message, "Re: New Buddy Holly Stereo CD" on Tue September 20, 2022 04:00:41
Hi Franklyn
We may have a small disagreement regarding semantics.
Certainly not the worlds biggest issue at this time...
When you refer to "the new technology", I assume you mean the ability, using more accurate digital E.Q. splitting of frequencies than was available just a few years ago, to separate individual elements of an original mono track.
However, there are still valid reasons these new mixes can't truly be called actual or "true" stereo. I would refer to them as interesting, maybe even well done at times, simulated stereo.
When music and vocals are truly recorded originally to their
own specific track, each of those tracks has it's own characteristics of microphone presence, room echo, brightness of tone etc. It's those individual audio aspects
that allow for a depth of sound and lively fresh feel to the resulting stereo soundscape.
With the newest digital gear, those individual elements of the mono recording can in fact be "re mixed", but the resulting mix will not have the sonic depth that
genuine multi tracked mixes allow for.
I agree 100% that these more modern attempts are more satisfying than the bad old days of "re-processed for a stereo effect".
Having said that, I think the best way to describe the
newest mono to stereo processing is "dst" for digitally simulated stereo.
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