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Subject: Re: That'll be the day acetate

Dale (Hi Jason and Larry)
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Date Posted: Tue September 27, 2022 19:07:47
In reply to: Jason uk 's message, "That'll be the day acetate" on Sun September 18, 2022 06:01:47

Hi gents

The worth of that type of item is complex and may surprise you.

An acetate of that sort would have to be associated with an official release of some kind to be of any real value.

The most expensive of all would be if the acetate, also known as a "dub" or "dub plate", was actually created right after the song was recorded. This was usually done so that a band member or producer/engineer could take it home and listen on a real world playback system, not just the unique environment of the studio. Sometimes as many as a dozen or more of these soft surface "dubs" were made in order to check for subtle flaws in the recording or quality of the performance.

I'm sure you know that they are only meant to be played about a half dozen times before the acetate material on the
surface of the disc begins to lose audio quality.

Here is the real caveat: There was a time when nearly every radio station and many individuals owned basic disc cutting machines to make these dubs. Sometimes the machines were used to cut radio ads, interviews, news reports, what have you.

This means the source of the acetate in question may have no real value other than as a curiosity of another era.
I say that even though similar acetates can still be cut today if one has the machine and a source for blank discs.
Think of it as an early version of any of us copying a pal's
45 of a song to a cassette tape, back in the day (ha ha).

One other major reason an acetate could have tremendous value would be if it was of an alternate take or a song that otherwise never saw the light of day.

The 1954 Elvis "Sun Studios" acetates come to mind.

So, not knowing the source, era or intent of the reason for your acetate's existence, it's only real value is that of a conversation piece. In other words, whatever someone is willing to pay.

If however, you can prove it has a connection to a specific release of a 45 of that song, from any label or time period, the value would fluctuate based on the importance of that specific issue of the song.

Or, yes I know this is getting rather long...If you could prove it had ever been owned by a significant person, that would also increase interest in your acetate.


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Subject Author Date
Re: That'll be the day acetateGertSat October 01, 2022 17:49:23

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