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Subject: Re: turn and face the strange changes

Dale (Hi Folks)
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Date Posted: Sat December 17, 2022 17:16:53
In reply to: Franklyn 's message, "Re: turn and face the strange changes" on Sat December 17, 2022 03:49:25

I have said in this forum previously that I also have a lot of concerns about that film warping history to suit cliche's
and false narratives being spread by folks like Dion.

However, if such a film could get it right, with the right amount of honest grit, it sure would be a great boost for Buddy's legacy.

It's a shame that the truly remarkable event of having a world class concert hall named for Buddy went largely unnoticed, mainly due to the covid situation.

As for the world of music changing, I have been able to cope with most of it until quite recently.

I find it sad that a huge percentage of young "wanna be" stars and their "TEAM" of writers, producers and agents,
have begun relying so heavily on computers and artificial
instrumentation to produce music that truly has very little humanity.

When I find new music by performers that continue to buck that trend, it's like a tonic that gives me hope.

A recent album by Neil Young called "Toast" has a couple of songs that are dripping with the same vibe as Pledging My Love by johnny ace!

A youngish band called Ceramic Animal are writing some fine songs, and still utilize the classic Guitar bass Drum keyboard and vocal mixture. Pointed Sticks are another, but somewhat more senior example. Cool songs, natural instruments.

And, in case you thought a 74 year old star might have lost it, you owe yourselves a listen to the wonder that is Bruce Springsteen's all new album of r'n'B classics. just amazing.

I would not knock David or Freddie to hard. In their own way, they both were known as true innovators, just as buddy was. I have no fear in suggesting that both grew up listening to Buddy's music and absorbing all it had to offer. Various members of F. Mercury's band have said clearly that Buddy was a hero.

So long as modern music has the essential element of "humanity" and the songs are not written my a computer algorithm, I will certainly give it a chance.

Oh yeah, MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Subject Author Date
Re: turn and face the strange changesDave 'tyke' UKWed December 21, 2022 03:43:39

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