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Subject: Re: The Mount Rushmore of rock and roll

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Date Posted: Wed June 09, 2021 15:53:42
In reply to: Dan D. 's message, "Re: The Mount Rushmore of rock and roll" on Mon June 07, 2021 13:18:50

Dan's provided some quality choices, especially when you're limited to 4 faces.

The actual Mt Rushmore didn't go after the "first 4" presidents. There's quite a time span from Washington to Roosevelt. Each one represented something about the history of the US. Washington: Birth Jefferson: Growth Roosevelt: Development Lincoln: Preservation.

I could see Little Richard and Chuck Berry as Washington and Jefferson figures, as they were both there early on, and much as Jefferson was an author, I could see Berry as the superior songwriter. Although, Little Richard has been called "The Architect of Rock and Roll."

Elvis could be the Lincoln of the group as he first created division with his hip-swiveling, but then helped get rock and roll more widely accepted when people like Ed Sullivan legitimized him as a "fine decent young man." Elvis was at the center of the explosion of rock-n-roll into the mainstream, but I wouldn't tie him to Roosevelt or Jefferson in the "development and growth" categories.

Finally, Buddy Holly as a "second wave" rocker (a rock-n-roll fan who followed in his heroes' footsteps", someone who wrote much of his own material, and helped reinforce the 2 guitars-bass-drums DIY format to inspire countless bands. I'm not sure how that equates to Roosevelt, other than the other 3 are even larger figures, Buddy's the most recent of the 4.

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