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Subject: Re: Dion is at it again! (the simplest version...)

Dale (Hi Mike)
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Date Posted: Wed January 12, 2022 17:33:28
In reply to: Mike 's message, "Re: Dion is at it again!" on Wed January 12, 2022 01:55:15

Hi Mike

I freely admit I am only a fan of Occam's razor when it supports my opinion, but having said that, it sure seems to apply with the convoluted Dion coin toss story.

It's not only Waylon that publicly confirmed Tommy's long told version of the events, it's the logic behind the simplicity
of circumstances that make Dion seem like he's either very confused, or has caught himself in a fabrication that he is now unwilling to retract.

Just this one aspect alone makes Tommy's recollection far more rational: If, as Dion now says, the flight was booked by Buddy for "the Stars only", and there was a meeting of the headliners who all participated in a round of coin tosses to eliminate 2 of them, why the heck would Buddy have had Tommy's complete wallet?

Imagine however, a last minute single coin toss between Tommy and Ritchie. Tommy gives up his seat, but now realizes he won't get to the next stop in time to retrieve his registered letter. He goes out to the car to let Buddy know he won't be flying after all, and could Buddy get the letter for him. It's cold and dark and Tommy is fumbling for his I.D., but isn't seeing it. (WE HAVE ALL experienced that, at least I sure have, many times.) Buddy wants to get going and impatiently takes Tommy's entire wallet with the promise to return it the nest day when the bus arrives. We all know the rest.

Point being? If Tommy had known all along there would not be a seat on the plane for him, he would have had plenty of time to go through his ENTIRE wallet, and pockets etc. to find his I.D. in the warmth and lighted comfort of the Surf.

having said that, I agree that in this particular disagreement, Dion's substance troubles are a distraction,
not an explanation.

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Re: Dion is at it again! (the simplest version...)Mike ((Hi Dale))Fri January 14, 2022 02:56:59

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