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Subject: Re: Dion is at it again!

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Date Posted: Fri January 14, 2022 03:07:52
In reply to: Aaron Yost 's message, "Re: Dion is at it again!" on Wed January 12, 2022 18:12:08

*** Here it is straight from the horses' mouth. Reading the article, it is obvious that he was using heroin from 1955 thru the early 1960's.
He already had plenty of money to buy it with by the time of the WDPT. ***

Again, what does his heroin use have to do with anything?

I don't think I ever said he didn't use heroin, it's well documented. All I was pointing out is if we're going to be slinging mud, Mr. Jennings is no angel in it all as far as drug abuse.

It can't be "Well, Dion's no good and he's lying because he was on heroin at the time, but Waylon's story is pinpoint accurate because it's something I believe so I can discount his cocaine and pill addictions so everything's kosher with his memory".

There are/were already many good points made in this thread, and countless others down thru the years that pretty much back-up any arguments that Dion's story is false. By the way, I never said I believe his story: I'd tend to agree with Tommy Allsup and Waylon's story of the events. I just think it's a cheap shot to bring up someone's substance abuse (character assassination) when there are so many other good reasons as to why Dion's story doesn't hold water. Make a solid argument against his story, no issues with that, but there's no need for taking cheap shots because you don't like his story.

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Re: Dion is at it again!Aaron YostFri January 14, 2022 13:35:46

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