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Subject: Re: Buddy's New York rent

Roddy Jordan
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Date Posted: Wed February 16, 2022 15:50:11
In reply to: Aaron Yost 's message, "Re: Buddy's New York rent" on Tue February 15, 2022 11:06:44

Thank you for your post Aaron.

Her second husband was a man named Jesus Francisco Diaz-Hernandez but he was known to everybody as Joe. When a child is born in Puerto Rico they take surnames from both parents.

Everybody I know who met him said he was a very nice man.

No, he was not a politician or Ambassador as many have claimed. At the time Puerto Rico was a territory of the US and thus you cannot be an ambassador to your own country. His family advised us that he was an advisor for Puerto Rico to the mainland of the US for importing and exporting goods.

Joe and (Maria) Elena were married on the 9th July 1960 just 17 months after Buddy died. They were divorced on the 29th April 1986 in Dallas. We have the divorce papers.

Incidentally, Provi was born Maria Providencia Garcia - Sanzenon and if you look at the names you will see that there was no biological tie between Provi and the widow.

I hope this helps and if you need anymore information just write to me at hollysbuddy1@bigpond.com

We obtained all this information from documents etc which were supplied to us by Provi's nephew and her great niece. In addition to many photos. I was advised that Buddy met the family many times and many photographs were taken but they have been lost over time.

I hope this helps.

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