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Subject: Re: Prayers for Dick Stewart & Family

Dick Stewart (Thank you, Randy)
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Date Posted: Sat April 09, 2022 20:28:07

I didn't know that Randy had posted this message about the loss of our son. Judi and I naturally were crushed but he had been suffering from his condition. He was in need of a liver transplant and was set to go to Phoenix and have the procedure done, but Covid-19 raised its ugly head and procedures like this was put on the back burner.

Jason was a big part of our music as a producer, arranger, and composer. He was also an exceptional modern guitarist and admired by a big fanbase. Here's an example of an instrumental that he wrote and arranged. His guitar output will leave you breathless:

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmP-4P4EK4Q">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmP-4P4EK4Q</a>

But life must go on and rather than suffer over his passing, we are praising him for his great volume of incredible music that he left behind.

Randy and I have been friends for many years but friends on occasion butt heads. And yes, I interviewed Bill in a "part one and two" interview. I believe it's one of the best interviews that I've ever conducted. He had a lot of interesting things to say. I had asked him if Buddy had a child, and he didn't say no.

Again, thank you Randy for your kind condolences.

Dick Stewart

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Subject Author Date
Re: Prayers for Dick Stewart & FamilyLarry (Sad)Sun April 10, 2022 02:56:20

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