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Subject: Re: Can you name...

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Date Posted: Mon March 07, 2022 20:23:09
In reply to: Dan D. 's message, "Can you name..." on Fri March 04, 2022 17:14:44

Hey Dan...

You are a sneaky devil. A fun but pretty easy question
involving one of the most important rock and roll tunes ever recorded! Hopefully everyone here will respond.

Blackboard Jungle is great, and intense. It basically
introduced the song, and the entire idea of Rock And Roll
to most of Europe! The opening sequence alone was enough to cause near riots.

American Graffiti is the real killer. A movie so dripping with nostalgic longing it can cause convulsions.

Released when the Vietnam war was still raging, the movie was a wild ride through a fever dream of events so beautifully staged every pre-teen, teen, and adult could and did relate. Genuine adolescent angst has never been so poetically represented on screen. And the soundtrack? Whamo!!! it's a gut punch
to so much of what passes for pop music today. YOUNG KIDS tell me so!(I happen to work in a record shop).

thanks Dan, you made my day with this one.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Can you name...BabaloochiTue March 08, 2022 20:25:51

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