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Subject: Re: winter dance party

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Date Posted: Sun January 10, 2021 09:51:07
In reply to: Frank 's message, "Re: winter dance party" on Sat January 09, 2021 00:53:54

I can't say I disagree with you on your thoughts/observations regarding the Surf Ballroom.

If it does continue, in whatever form it may, I predict it'll end up changing quite drastically... Soon the people who were around when it originally occurred will either pass on, or stop going due to age or what have you and then the big change will occur.

By a big change, I predict it'll become a sad shadow of its former self, and maybe turn into a "50s sock-hop" themed get together where people will dress up and try to act the part, but it'll turn into a wanna be convention for fans of the movie "Grease".

Sure, maybe they'd give a spin to Buddy Holly and Ritchie Valens "for old times sake", but it'll quickly turn from authentic rock 'n roll to playing "You're the One That I Want" and "Summer Nights" from "Grease" and a whole bunch of other 70s and 80s stuff... In short, what happened to "Oldies Radio" will happen to the Surf Ballroom get together, and soon all original rock 'n roll will vanish and it'll be a tribute to The Winter Dance Party in name only.

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Subject Author Date
Re: winter dance partyBillMon January 11, 2021 11:58:51
    Re: winter dance partyLothar PeddThu January 14, 2021 08:56:18

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