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Subject: Re: recordings

Dale (a sliver of hope)
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Date Posted: Wed April 28, 2021 17:27:42
In reply to: David Gibson 's message, "Re: recordings" on Wed April 28, 2021 05:58:29

Hi David

The fire was both tragic and very preventable. The lawsuit, now over and lost, was an attempt to prove Universal was negligent in protecting great cultural artifacts, as well as requiring them to provide a full inventory of what was destroyed.

The sliver of hope I mentioned may not make any difference, as it involves a reasonable possibility that a former MCA mastering engineer and reissue exec. may well have "secured"
the actual first generation true original Holly tapes, and replaced them with duplicates.

A better than nothing alternate possibility is that the same person could have made digital transfers direct from the original tapes before turning them over to MCA/Universal.

The reason this slim hope may be of no use, is that there seems to be no incentive from Universal, who now have full legal rights to said tapes and usage of same after the large buyout of M.E.H., to make peace with or "pardon" their former exec., as a means of gaining access to whatever may have been saved from the inferno.

They seem more than comfortable with whatever duplicate sources existed at the time of the fire.

And, without amnesty being offered to the said executive, he/she has no incentive to come forward and divulge what they have.

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Re: recordingsRoddy JordanWed April 28, 2021 22:58:55

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