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Subject: Re: Which Holly Overdub Is Your Favorite?

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Date Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 17:08:17
In reply to: Scott 's message, "Which Holly Overdub Is Your Favorite?" on Thu May 06, 2021 23:21:41

Hi Scott

Obviously, all questions that are poster here by Holly fans are valid, because no one other than perhaps Randy, can or should moderate the content.

Having said that...

The topic of overdubs is a very touchy one in my opinion, sort of like religion and politics.

For every attempt to manipulate a deceased performer's art that goes reasonably well, with a decent level of concern and respect for the original works, there are at least a half dozen ham fisted and garish tries that actually harm
the legacy.

And of course, everyone has their own opinion as to which ones work or fail. Some folks seem to like everything without any concerns for taste or subtlety.

In the well meaning spirit of your question, I will admit that The Norman Petty "produced" (Fireballs) versions of
Brown Eyed Handsome Man, and the "fast" version of Slippin' and Slidin', do tend to capture the right energy and verve
of Buddy's spirit.

having said that, there are so many badly done overdubs,
I'm reluctant to give any my O.K.to any, and much prefer to listen to the bare recordings, no matter how crude or incomplete
they may be.

Had N.P. or any other entity ever employed the original Crickets, perhaps with Sonny Curtis, the Roses, and C.W. Kendall helping out on some dubbing sessions, I may have had a more favourable opinion of the concept.

I dare not start on the subject of my loathing of what the Picks did in the 80's!

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Re: Which Holly Overdub Is Your Favorite?Dave FrechetteFri May 07, 2021 20:25:34

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