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Subject: Re: New Buddy Film

Dave 'tyke' UK
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Date Posted: Thu June 10, 2021 14:44:17
In reply to: Mulligan 's message, "Re: New Buddy Film" on Mon June 07, 2021 12:01:47

I agree with Mulligan - more young folks will see the movie and check Buddy out on You Tube...you only have to look how a film like 'Juno' because of Holly's Apartment tape version of 'Dearest' was chosen for the soundtrack to see how many started following Buddy with the usual comment 'Juno brought me here'.

I'm doing a similar thing, not just with Buddy, but all the rock greats, writing 6 minute reads for an Online publication about rock music 'The Riff' in Medium (an open platform where readers find dynamic thinking - just hope my writing is as dynamic, must be as I've picked up 450 followers in two months).

Most readers are young Americans who have no idea what passed for Rock Music before the mid 1970s, although a few know about the Beatles, Stones and The Who. I discovered this when I wrote about the 1960s blues origins of Fleetwood Mac ..."I had no idea", was the response I got from readers who thought the Mac started when Buckingham & Co joined.

So when I wrote articles about Buddy, Ritchie, Eddie Cochran I got the same reaction ... "I didn't know this!" And since they've seen the YouTube vids of these guys, they've told me how cool those guys were and have added them to their Spotify and other playlists.

For instance, hardly any of these young bucks realised Buddy wrote and sang 'Words of Love' first - they all think it's a Beatles song!

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