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Subject: Did McCartney sell the rights to Buddy Holly's widow?

Hans Werner Finking (A little bit confused)
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Date Posted: Thu March 05, 2020 11:25:04

Hello from Germany. Some days ago, I received a mail from Nicolas Leroy (France). Please read, what he writes:

Hi Hans,
I manage The Paul McCartney project - <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://www.the-paulmccartney-project.com/">https://www.the-paulmccartney-project.com/</a> - a fan site dedicated to Paul McCartney; and I've just stumbled upon your Buddy Holly site.

I'm currently doing some search on the various Buddy Holly Weeks that McCartney has organized over the years. <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://www.the-paulmccartney-project.com/tag/buddy-holly/">https://www.the-paulmccartney-project.com/tag/buddy-holly/</a>

I have a very technical question to ask you, if I may.

McCartney has acquired the publishing rights for Buddy Holly's music in 1976 ; and has organized Buddy Holly Weeks till 1997 (the year his wife Linda died). Since then, MPL, his company, seems to have kept the publishing rights. But then I've found the following article which explained that Buddy Holly's widow has sold the rights to BMG in 2015 - <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://completemusicupdate.com/article/bmg-takes-control-of-the-buddy-holly-catalogue/">https://completemusicupdate.com/article/bmg-takes-control-of-the-buddy-holly-catalogue/</a> . I'm therefore puzzled: did McCartney sell the rights to Buddy Holly's widow???

Thanks for your help, and good luck for the new version of your website !

All the best


I sent the question to some Brothers in Buddy, but they could not really help me. I found 2 links, but they don't help, as well:

If you read the article, it looks like it indicates that
BMG has the rights to everything.
According to Celebrity Net Worth web site, Maria Holly is worth $20,000,000
(20 million), so I guess that she might have sold BMG her rights to Buddy's music and everything for big bucks.

This information confuses me because I was always under the impression that McCartney owned the publishing.

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://www.musicbusinessworldwide.com/buddy-holly-widow-entrusts-bmg-with-artists-rightsg">https://www.musicbusinessworldwide.com/buddy-holly-widow-entrusts-bmg-with-artists-rightsg</a>

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-businessmen/business-executives/maria-elena-holly-net-worth/">https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-businessmen/business-executives/maria-elena-holly-net-worth/</a>

I do hope someone can help me to send a correct answer to my French follower.

Cheers, Hans

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Re: Did McCartney sell the rights to Buddy Holly's widow?John4647Fri March 06, 2020 03:21:01

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