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Subject: Remembering Bill Griggs Today

Randy Steele
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Date Posted: Sun March 29, 2020 13:46:03

Remembering Rockin50s founder and friend Bill Griggs, who left us nine years ago today.

Anyone who calls themselves a fan of Buddy Holly and The Crickets owes a debt of gratitude to Bill Griggs. Through his newsletters and booklets, Bill captured and shared much of the history around the lives and careers of Buddy Holly and The Crickets. He also captured the stories and the emotions of people who were there during Buddy Holly's incredibly creative but short lifetime. Recording technology will always tell us how Buddy Holly played and sang, but it was people like John Beecher, John Goldrosen, and Bill Griggs who gave us more, they told us how he lived.

I am of the belief that if Bill Griggs were alive today, the internet and its regular abuse of copyrighted material today would drive Bill crazy, as many modern day fans have used his work without acknowledging him. On the bright side, Bill was given credit in numerous documentaries and acknowledged in many books. Most important to him, he was a trusted friend of the Holley family.

Bill Griggs worked overtime to make time for friends and fans who wanted to know more about Buddy Holly or the Rockin50s. He spent countless hours on the telephone, or on the telephone, talking fans around the world about Buddy Holly and The Crickets. Again and again, he drove fans around Lubbock to show off Buddy’s hometown. I had always hoped that the City of Lubbock would rise and hire Bill as the official ambassador of tourism. He would have loved it and been terrific at doing that job.

As those close to Bill knew all too well, he was fun, he was funny, and he was intense.

Bill and I were very close. I like to say he and I laughed liked brothers and sometimes, we even fought like brothers. Once, after months without speaking and then ran into one another in the lobby of a hotel in Beaumont. It wasn’t long before we were at odds again. Sharon, after a long time of listening to this mess, stood up and said, "Would you two just knock it off? You are just alike and both of you know that you have missed each other. So shut up, be friends, and go to bed." Bill and I looked at one another, and just like that, our little standoff was over. I’m forever grateful for Sharon’s words of wisdom. At the end of the day, there was love and mutual respect between us.

Bill Griggs was a world-class 1950’s music fan, historian, and researcher. I am a better friend, man, and music fan for having known Bill Griggs. I miss him every day. I am very proud that his gravesite is now complete with a headstone, acknowledging his accomplishments as a historian of Buddy Holly and The Crickets and recognizes his 2010 induction into the West Texas/Buddy Holly Walk of Fame.

In my eyes, Bill Griggs was the best friend that Buddy Holly never met. Bill Griggs may be gone but he will never be forgotten. May you Rest in Peace forever.

Rave On,

Randy Steele

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Subject Author Date
Re: Remembering Bill Griggs TodayBrett lowdenSun March 29, 2020 19:45:49
Re: Remembering Bill Griggs TodayChadSun March 29, 2020 22:56:18
Re: Remembering Bill Griggs TodayPaul from englandWed April 01, 2020 08:42:25

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