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Subject: Beat Girl

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Date Posted: Sat April 25, 2020 06:09:34

When I was in my early teens, there was a film called "Beat Girl" starring Adam Faith and Christopher Lee, which I really wanted to see. Adam was at this time, for a year or so, the UK's top pop star. His single "Made You" was then and still is my favourite British rock n roll record, and it came from this film. Sadly however, the censor gave it an X certificate, so I couldn't see it. Then I left the country and by the time I returned, the film had disappeared.


suddenly a couple of weeks ago, it turned up on talking pictures TV! I set the recorder. I watched it. It was the worst film ever!!!! The plot was rubbish, the acting was just unbelievably awful (except for Adam himself, who wasn't too bad, and Mr Lee, who was...well...Christpher Lee) and to rub salt in the wound, the song "Made You" was not the version released and was very lame!

Interestingly (to me anyway), Cliff Richard's first film "Serious Charge" was shown the same week. That was also pretty bad, but at least it had a plot and the acting was marginally better.

Both versions of Made You are on youtube. Compare. On the studio session, the Cochran style rhythm riffs are played by Vic Flick, who was John Barry's guitarist of choice and played the James Bond theme (Dr.No). The lead guitarist was Joe Brown, who was perhaps our best rnr guitarist of the time.

Dave H

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Re: Beat GirlFrankThu May 07, 2020 20:15:58

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