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Subject: Re: My previous post expanded somewhat

Dale (wow)
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Date Posted: Sat June 20, 2020 00:45:05
In reply to: Larry 's message, "Re: My previous post expanded somewhat" on Fri June 19, 2020 20:50:20

Hi Frank Rick and Larry.

It seems as though you think I'm expecting such a project to materialize.

I'm a realist, so of course I doubt it will, mainly due to the near collapse of the cd as a viable format.

I offer my idea as a "what if" scenario, both as a real treat for the fans, and as a way for SH and UMG to do something great. If the original Holly master tapes still exist at all, even if only first generation digital transfers, UMG could resolve the SH issue in a positive way.

During these crappy times we are enduring, it would sure be nice to have something like what I am describing to lift spirits, honour Buddy, and help preserve and enhance the Holly/Crickets legacy for another couple of decades.

Bill Griggs used to lament the lack of new and substantial releases each time an important anniversary passed by with barely a peep from MCA/UMG.

This why I mention the new performance hall.

If there ever were to be one last great physical release of the Holly catalogue, (before streaming becomes all there is) the opening of the performance centre seems like a golden
opportunity to promote such a release.

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