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Subject: 'Evil' wolves.. hear me now.

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Date Posted: 00:17:37 07/13/03 Sun

The stunningly white wolf situates himself upon a flattened rock. His tapering muzzle points towards a circular clearing, and he sits tall and dignified. His pale tail lays limply at his side. The male's frame appears wiry, yet perhaps a tad too thin. The alabaster's clear blue eyes look out over the clearing, and he actually smirks as he gathers his thoughts before making his address. He then lifts his black-nosed muzzle to the sky and howls, long and clear and loud.. calling all evils who wish to hear. Soon, it dies away.

This is for every 'evil' who wishes to listen. He growls. It seems as though we have fallen collectively into a rut we cannot escape. To be absolutely frank, this place has gotten rather boring. Perhaps I am not one to comment, but I do believe something must be done about it. Therefore, I encourage you, fellow evils, to be proactive and start planning things.. against Camelot, of course.. or somebody else. I hope the atmosphere soon changes around here, and I would be pleased to listen to any ideas you may have concerning Camelot.

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Shadows should be Feared by AllAmika20:08:05 07/14/03 Mon

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