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Subject: |Break My Spirit|Lose My Dream| Enchancee>>>

Spirited Dreams
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Date Posted: 17:27:53 07/15/03 Tue

the midnight cloaked male entered the lands of the evils, lands he had once thought of joining when he had been younger and full of hate and the need for revenge. yet oddly enough, life in the care of Ferdie's paws left no trace of that wish, and instead he despised the thought of comming here. it was not fear or disgust, more what he might do should he come face to face with this certain individual he seeked. she had changed as he very well knew, perhaps not as bitchy as she had been, as she was now layered with great responsibility, but none the less it was her previous curse that brought him here. Ferdie was changing, and it was her fault...or was it? that had yet to be completely determined, yet some gut feeling told him it was not Alaric's revenge, but instead an after affect of Enchancee's little game of love betwixt Ferdie and Kosses. a low growl was swiftly suffocated, and instead he released a summoning howl, reaching for her ears, though howls could not be concealed and were always heard by the rest of the pack. the kast thing he needed was a crowd to watch him, and no doubt anger him beyond the fury he already held for the queen. yet he would behave...he would try for Ferdie's sake.

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