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Subject: .:|:.S.t.a.l.k.e.r.:|:.

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Date Posted: 21:13:40 07/25/03 Fri
In reply to: Machete 's message, ".p r e d a t o r." on 17:18:11 07/25/03 Fri

dial tilts in a nod, showing she had heard. the information was absorbed and stored into the depths of her memory where it would linger, comming out only when she needed it.

of course she did not trapse into the lands with her fur all ruffled up. that proved nothing, an act played out by terrible actors. 'evil' they may be, but there was no need to unleash fury and rage senslessly. power should be conserved and stored, only tapped into when the circumstances occured.

she too held more respcet for him. true enough she had bowed in his wake, but merely out of order to the rules. for the miniscule time she had been here she had learned much, ever keeping the watchful eye. once trust was gained by she it was as if you owned her soul, yet respect and trust were not exactly brothers.

feeling their chat was finsihed and her membership installed they really had no need to stand in silence, allowing their thoughts to take control while they remained still, bluntly staring at eachother. low voice was exhaled into the pugnant atmosphere once again.

until we meet again...i bid you farewell.

she dipped her cranium in a fashion of departing, her frame winding aorund and slinking back into the darkness. pads remained soft, claws manuvering about frail leaves that threatened to reveal her position. soon her figure was consumed by the shadows.

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.g o t c h a o n m y G P S .Machete21:21:10 07/25/03 Fri

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