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Subject: What the hell is going on?

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Date Posted: 17:58:39 07/26/03 Sat

The pale pup had grown from a ruddy ball of fur into a much more masculine adult, though he was still boyish and silly at all ours of the day. He licked a paw idly as he watched Machete and his mum, mum who hadn't really been around all that much. But he might forgive and forget, as far-fetched as it was and sounded. His diamond bright glassy blue eyes comprehended deeply what was going on, constant independence from his parents and siblings left him time to brood and think and ponder, and now that became his favorite pasttime. He was a little preturbed that Machete had taken things over, for while he was just a pup he had fathomed an amazing empire in his control, beginning with pushing his somewhat useless mother aside. But Machete was a grown wolf, and smart at that. He'd have to bide his time a bit longer for world domination.

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Hell if I know.Astra18:14:00 07/26/03 Sat

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