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Subject: .:|:.D.r.a.m.a.:|:.

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Date Posted: 13:07:40 07/27/03 Sun
In reply to: Hannah 's message, "*Rolls eyes*" on 11:26:47 07/27/03 Sun

form shifted upon the loam, thorns catching every word, disecting it and storing it away, perhaps to draw upon it should the need arise.

the curtain seemed to be dropping, and she was all more than happy to meander off and mill around listessly. she had no need to get scorched by a flame she had not created, nor had any business touching.

russet figure rose to steady paws, weight rather hanging dully upon traveled pads, whipcord trailing at her heels. weary sigh curled about nares as it was emitted from her pursed maw. upper torso twisted about, hanuches only following as the posterier threatened to leave it behind. once more she did not slip away into the shdaows, though she was tense and on guard, ever ready to leap away from an attack. Machete's demonstration left her more cautious, especially in the pack's boundries.

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