Subject: .:|:.H.u.n.t.e.r.:|:. |
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Date Posted: 20:59:27 07/26/03 Sat
slim figure creeps slowly along the loam, tainted frame sliping in and out of the shdows. muzzle twitches in the wind, the direction being noted and used. midas tapped pools stay fixated upon the tender morsal which so graciously stayed away form concealment. paws strained with the slow steps and desire for absolute silence. shoudler blades stuck upward like two mountain peaks as belly hung low, achieving maximum camoflouge in low brushes. saliva lathered tongue flashed out, soaking her chops in expectation.
suddenly bodice burst forward, the stupid ball of fluff freezing, hoping to bled in. wicked grin darped across features, lips curling up to expose fangs that awaited the juicy flesh. fore paws extended to their point, her figure from a distance actually looking like the sister of superman.
jaws snapped, the rabbit only realizing at the last instant it could not hide, but instead must flee. death came instantly, the faint bone crunching seeming to shatter the eerie silence that always followed a hunter. frame stood tall and rigid, audits pricked atop skull, maw gripping the creature tightly. another, crunch was given, crimsion liquid oozing forth as if her mouth was lathered with blood.
prey was dropped limply upon the earth, pistons creasing, allowing haunches to settle upon the barren terrain. liquid of life was sucked off her delicate maw, a fore paw darting out and holding the carcass still. frame leaned forward, gnashers ripping away tufts of fur and dipositing them at her side. at last the meat was exposed, the true delectables. strips of flesh were taken from the corpse and consumed rather quickly. soon all that remained were mere pearly toothpicks stained with the lustrious satin all breathing creatures held.
pinken tongue set about to careful grooming, insizors every so often nipping away knots and sores.
thank you for giving your life to support mine. so sad your skills of escape were lacking, i was hoping for a good chase.
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