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Subject: .s o m e o n e n e e d s t o.

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Date Posted: 18:56:00 07/27/03 Sun
In reply to: Tetrianni 's message, "I'm kicking myself repeatedly" on 12:55:57 07/27/03 Sun

((I read the posts like 4 times over--never once does any of Machete's posts say that he's dominant, or that he's over her, or showing her disrespect, or looking down on her. In fact, they talk about how scrawny he is and the like. Im not downing you personally, Im just asking--why draw that he's arrogant if he's done nothing from the sort to show her such? From his body language he never suggested even once that he was King. YOU as a person might have read it..but thats it.))

"You know nothing."

He stated in finality, now far enough away in which he had to raise his tone slightly. He had not shown his dominance--he had approached and bid her stay. And if he had not she would have become discusted because no one introduced themselves at a puddle at her feet. If they werent haughty, they were pessemistic--it discusted him. His mind let her thoughts slide by him in a script.

"I showed you honesty in my body language and demeanor. You have shown to be distrusting, in a mollified sense, by your eager way to draw on the surroundings around you, and not by the impression I lay before you."

He uttered bluntly.

"As far as you drawing conclusions from what your own thoughts--you shouldnt do that anymore. Thinking isnt your strong point."

And with that the wolf let his lanky form waver into the shadows. Out of site, out of mind.

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feel freeTetrianni19:38:45 07/27/03 Sun

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