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Subject: I'm kicking myself repeatedly

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Date Posted: 12:55:57 07/27/03 Sun
In reply to: Machete 's message, ".a t y o u r o w n s t u p i d i t y." on 11:36:33 07/27/03 Sun

Ah, so he was arrogant. She nodded her head again to him, "I drew what I know from my own information, and my own thoughts." She said, tonelessly. As to him not wanting the title, that was totally wrong, as much as he had shown. He loved his power as far as she could tell, with his show of dominance. He might not have asked for the title, but he had certainly gotten it. And certainly used it. As to dishonesty? She had not shown him one bit. How could an opinion be dishonest? Her features remained emotionless and smooth, her eyes hard chips of ice, revealing nothing.

However, she slowly rose to her feet, nodding her head low to him, and half-turned to go. She kept her tail loose between her legs, and hooded eyes regarded this male. She wished to mock salute him, but held herself in check, a lazy blink and lifting of a paw unanimous. "I bid the farewell then. Perhaps we will talk again sometime..." She turned to go, just as he, her ears turned back, for sign of attack or whatnot, as she slowly padded away, headed for a shadowed spot in the trees.

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.s o m e o n e n e e d s t o.Machete18:56:00 07/27/03 Sun

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