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Date Posted: 12:27:53 01/18/04 Sun
Author: Charlie(ex-FMZ)
Subject: FMZ's Farewell Recording

I figured it would be kind of lame to let FMZ crash and burn without putting out something to document what we did (and some wish we hadn't). So I'm thinking that I'm gonna put out a CD titled "WE WERE TERRIBLE!" with all of the six tracks recorded at Dave's last winter, the remainder of the stuff off of the old demo, and the really really terrible version of "Bipolar" we recorded back in January 2001 (with D.O.W. Jones on drums- ah the good old days of partying after a 30 minute practice and wondering what the hell deerdick and jamie eisenmann were doing in the other room...eww). But yeah, Derek, Zach, Bob, Dave, you guys just give me the go ahead on this and I'll um....go ahead.


PS- Whatdya say to a band that puts out it's first album after it broke up! Are we punk as fuck or what? *slaps self*

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