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Date Posted: 16:32:15 01/21/04 Wed
Author: Charlie(Cretins)
Subject: Democratic Primaries...hahaha

Hey has anybody else been following these Democratic primaries for kicks lately? It's fucking hilarious. Anyone see Howard Dean's little speech after he pulled 3rd in Iowa? I loved that melodramatic little diatribe he gave about how he's gonna be the President when he grows up, and that little yalp at the end. I'd like to get a clip of that and program it to be the startup music for my computer. I'd never cease giggling. The only one of these clowns that doesn't strike me as complete slime is Dennis Kucinich, and he'll never get elected because the average American prefers their President to be over 3 feet tall and non-weasel looking. My advice to anyone bored enough to read this: Vote for a 3rd party in 2004. The Republicans are goosestepping corporate Nazis, and the Democrats are more than happy to bend over for them. The Chapter "Democrats DOA" in Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men" is quite revealing on the subject of true Democratic voting records, although I hear Moore just endorsed...eww...Wesley Clark. It's time to throw both of these vermin organizations to the dogs and get some real ideas out there. So fuck Bush, fuck Dean, Kerry, Edwards....etc. etc. I think it's a good idea to vote 3rd party all the way from now on. Green, Libertarian, Natural Law (Hell even the Hare Krishnas can do better than Dems or Repubs), Progressive, Socialist, Communist, whatever. Just remember that friends don't let friends vote for democrats and if you vote republican I'll hit you in the face with a shovel.


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