Subject: Police state is now open |
Angus Mcleod
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Date Posted: 13:33:35 09/12/03 Fri
It is truly amazing how the Federal Liberal Party in Canada has been able to, on countless occations to keep the real truth behind what they real agenda is. For if you look at some of the laws that this Party past over their time in control you have to wonder about their agenda, first the Gun control law, then law which allows the police to break the law in order to arrest you, and then law which allows the government to listen into your emails phone conversations or even open your mail, finally the law which allows the government the right to arrest people in the name of National Security. All of these laws have one thing in common and that is control of the people of Canada, for if you look into history look at what the Nazi's did in Germany and you will see simular laws, which in the end allowed the NAZI's to set themselves up as gods, with the people of Germany having no rights unless they were part of the Party. So what is it that the Liberal have hidden in the shadows, when it comes to their true agenda? Could it be the treaty of America, which would take the rights of the people away and then give these peoples rights to the Corporations. At that time, the Corporations would then be allowed to operate outside of the law, using Canada as a possible dumping ground for toxic waste, nuclear waste, and any other industrial produced waste. Also at the same time the Corporation will be allowed, under this treaty to own all intellectual property of the artists and other creative people, who in the end would be working for whatever the Corporations felt like giving these people. To me this sounds so much like Nazi Germany, where a select few were put ahead of the rest as gods. Now this is only Angus Mcleod's humble opinion.
My website is because of what my novels said, my wife and I were attacked, terrorized and chased from Canada. Wow again the sounds of Storm Troopers are in the air, for when you are attacked, in a country that your were born in and served the military, for just words you say or wrote then this country can not call it's self democratic, instead it is only a few steps from being a dictortorship. On my website, I have excerpts taken from my first novel, which show how it related to what has been happening. Also, I show some of the things which my wife and I have gone through.
I thank you for your time, and always have the thoughts of true freedom and democracy in your mind, as you think that no one should be persecuted or attacked for just words that they say or wrote in a TRUE DEMOCRACY.
Angus Mcleod
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