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Subject: Race towards control

Reginald Angus Argue
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Date Posted: 11:59:46 11/25/04 Thu
In reply to: Angus Mcleod 's message, "Police state is now open" on 13:33:35 09/12/03 Fri

The race towards control by a few already has these people behind doors attempting to change copyright laws. This will give more power to Hollywood and other powerful Corporations, which in turn will allow only people who are deemed as being correct allowed to release their work unto the world. Do not worry for this is only one of the first steps towards where societies' basic rights and freedoms are being ripped from them.

To the people that may think that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms will protect you in Canada. For a moment remember the "Not With standing Clause" given to the Provinces and the first point in the charter of Rights and Freedoms, which permits the courts to have permission to suspend every right after that point, if seen as reasonable. Now what one person defines as reasonable, another defines as extreme. Also, this in its self leaves the door open for appointed court officials, to carry out any sort of extreme right wing agenda that they may have against the people. This undermines every idea of freedom and democracy that stands behind the creation of the Magna Carta, and any other democratic constitution that has arisen out of this ground breaking Charter, so many generations ago.

To the people, now this is the time for us to keep an eye on our Rights and Freedoms more than ever before. If any elected official or court appointed official attempts to strip our rights from us, we the people should stand up with our voices and written words to oppose this.

My website is www.angus-mcleod.com
Reginald Angus Argue (with the pen name of Angus McLeod)

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