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Date Posted: 01:02:14 01/14/03 Tue

Most in Canada have heard about the Tragic Ontario death of a six year old boy shot in the head by his seven year old sister. The two found a .45 auto "illegal" handgun owned by the kids 22 year old brother.

While anti-gun supporters scream about this being another case of gun violence,they failed to point out that the Gun was not registered ( A requirement for handguns since 1934 in Canada) and they of course could not dispute that a Gun Registry in this case would have made any difference in the outcome.

What "WOULD HAVE" made a difference if these kids who did not know that the gun was "REAL" and thought it was a toy, if they had been educated in the school system on firearms safety-like the NRA'S Eddie Eagle Gunsafe Program has done in the U.S. Educating some 16 Million young children to date.

If the liberals in Canada were not so tightly wound about the word "Gun" THEN perhaps these kids could have been taught the Eddie Eagle safety message "If you see a gun,stop,don't touch,Leave the area,call an adult."

Instead liberals keep kids in the dark about gun safety, and because of their own "Hoplophobia" innocent kids are getting killed !!

Why do kids have to die,because of others ignorance ?

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