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Date Posted: 20:37:08 03/09/03 Sun
In reply to: ROBERT A. MAZUREK 's message, "WELCOME ALL VISITORS TO MY FORUM" on 16:16:27 12/04/02 Wed

>I'd like to welcome all my Canadian and American
>friends to this discussion forum on Gun Control.This
>Forum is open to all opinions-both Pro and Anti-Gun ,
>for we all know that no one learns the Truth if they
>only get one side of a story,The Media has proven this
>time and time again, so there will no bias here.
>General guidelines for Forum :
> I ask that anyone who wishes to provide facts/data,
>to also provide links or proof to substantiate their
>claims in their debate. Those who do not do so- will
>see their posts being deleted-As this debate is only
>open to honest factual arguments- Fantasy statistics
>will not be tolerated.All STATISTICAL info provided in
>your posts must be "VERIFIABLE" and as stated with
>links provided.
>-I realize that Gun Control debates often get very
>heated- but I request that you keep language under
>control- and refrain from name-calling. No personal
>abuse will be tolerated. There are many more creative
>ways to make someone appear foolish,and really only
>desperate people resort to name-calling.
>- Thanks for posting and I hope you enjoy the
>debate.Come often,Post often, and tell your friends
>about this site !!
>and Remember we are all different-with different
>views,the difference between having one Political
>stance as opposed to another is often sometimes mere
>- I hope this forum will serve to bring that knowledge
>to light,and open minds to the Truth on this topic as
>seen by both opposing/conflicting Political Viewpoints.

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