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Date Posted: 21:34:29 02/07/03 Fri
Author: FWC- Stevie Franchise and Mystery Tag Team
Author Host/IP: dialup- /
Subject: Tag Team Application

content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">




camera fades into a place that looks like Japan. People are
walking around; it looks like a big city. Looking around you see
small houses and other things, but most noticeable is a nice
looking restaurant, 2 stories high, brick on the outside, and a
big parking lot. A man is standing outside the restaurant,
waiting for something, or someone. The minute’s pass and the
man becomes more irritated. A limo pulls up and he gets exited.
He opens the door, and the smile turn into a frown.




clearly isn’t the person he’s been waiting for. It’s
Yao Ming.


color="#FFFF00">Yao: “Hi, how are you.”

color="#00FFFF">Man: “Hi Yao, what are you doing in Tokyo?”

color="#FFFF00">Yao: “Eating, Best restaurant in town.”

color="#00FFFF">Man: “I’m Stevie Franchise. I’m a
Pro Wrestler. I’m applying for the CWF.”

color="#FFFF00">Yao: “I’ve heard of it. Started
watching it 2 weeks.”

color="#00FFFF">Stevie: “Well, have fun, hope you enjoy.
Good luck in the NBA.”

color="#FFFF00">Yao: “Good luck wrestlin’.”


stands there waiting. There is a sudden yell.


color="#00FF00">Stevie, Stevie Franchise. How are you doing.”?

“Where have you been man, I’m
tired of waiting, where’s the limo.”

color="#00FF00">“I don’t know. Never showed.”

So Swing, you have a tag team partner
for me. Where?

He’s coming

looks impressed. “Well he better be
good. I want to work my way into the singles brackets. I need to
be a tag team for about a year.


and Swing wait for the mystery tag team partner. People walk
right by them because wrestling isn’t big in Japan. They
walk into the restaurant and sit down. After about 20 minutes a
limo comes up, and Swing stands up.


color="#00FF00">Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you,


crowd in the restaurant isn’t impressed and very, very
annoyed by the interruption. A server calmly walks over and takes
Swing to the side. When he returns, Stevie is anxious to see what
this kid has.


color="#00FFFF">Well Swing, your right, you surprised me, but you
got the guy. He is the guy I need to boost me career. So what are
we talking about here.”


He’ll wrestle for 2 year, Stevie. 2
years. He’s 26 years old and wants to get ahead. Won the Tag
team titles once, in WC… um… another federation.

color="#00FFFF">Wait, Swing, were you going to say WCW. No, I can’t
wrestle with a wrestler from WCW. They put me out of business,
and their wrestlers disgraced my name.”


color="#00FF00">No, No! He wrestled in WCF.”




color="#00FF00">So Blitzkrieg.” Stevie
, “Why should I trust you.


color="#008080">I am young, athletic and agile. I can move and
want to win. I work with a team and hate losing. I’ll do
anything for my team. I work with people and they learn to trust
me. Just, TRUST ME!”


color="#00FFFF">Well, we’ll work this out with CWF.
Hopefully we’ll get into CWF. Swing, set up a meeting with


3 men walk out of the restaurant after paying the bill. They get
into a limo and drive away. A few people watch the limo ride away.
They have been in the camera view the entire time. They drove
away into the night and wait the CWF appointment.



Wrestler's Name:
Stevie Franchise and Blitzkrieg style="mso-special-character:line-break">

Stevie Franchise- 6’6” and Blitzkrieg -6’4” style="mso-special-character:line-break">

Stevie Franchise-225 and Blitzkrieg-185 style="mso-special-character:line-break">

Stevie Franchise- Chicago, Illinois and Blitzkrieg- Atlanta,

Music: N.W.O (Original Black and White) style="mso-special-character:line-break">

(if any): Swing

Move: Stevie Franchise- Double Arm DDT B- Suplex Pin style="mso-special-character:line-break">

Description: Stevie Franchise- Hook both arms and perform a DDT;
Blitzkrieg- Suplex, then hook the leg and pin. style="mso-special-character:line-break">


Heel style="mso-special-character:

Stevie Franchise- Has red and black face paint like wings on his
face. Wears Red and Black Pants

Wears face paint like a spider web with a spider on his forehead.
Red and Black pants.

the ring they wear blue jeans and FWC shirt.

both look like this in and outside the ring.

of Your Wrestler: Never been a Tag Team Before. style="mso-special-character:line-break">

(Write up your wrestler's entrance as it would appear in the
results): FWC music plays throughout the arena. “Ladies and
Gentleman, weighing in at a combine weight of 400 pounds,
Blitzkrieg and Stevie Franchise. The crowd erupts in boo’s.
Blitzkrieg enters followed by Stevie Franchise. They walk down to
ring side, ignoring the crowd. They get into the ring and climb
the ropes, looking into the crowd.

Pic Base: Hawk and Animal from L.O.D.

width="156" height="204" v:shapes="_x0000_i1025"> src="file:///C:/windows/TEMP/msoclip1/01/clip_image004.jpg"
width="181" height="204" v:shapes="_x0000_i1026">

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