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Date Posted: 23:24:00 02/24/03 Mon
Author: Takatoriki Tadeshige
Author Host/IP: 1Cust107.tnt1.honolulu.hi.da.uu.net /
Subject: New Tag Team

Tag Team Name: Dragon Hitmen X
Brief Note: This tag team is a throw back to the teams of the 1980s; they dress in similar ring attire (think Killer Bees, British Bulldogs, Rockers, and Hart Foundation).

Wrestler’s Name: Masato Suzuki
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 234 lbs.
Age: 27
Hometown: Hiroshima, Japan
Entrance Music: “Orion” by Metallica
Finisher: Dragon Grand Slam
Finisher description: Off the Top Rope Shooting Star Press
Move set:
1. Atomic Drop
2. Belly to Back Waistlock Suplex
3. Cradle Piledriver
4. Dragon Suplex
5. Half Crab
6. Handspring Back Elbow Smash
7. Inverted Indian Deathlock Surfboard
8. Ipponzei
9. Off the Top Rope Senton
10. Springboard Rana
Manager: Miss Kamiko
Alignment: Tweener
Appearance: Suzuki is of Japanese heritage, has a medium built, athletic body, and wears a royal blue spandex scoop with legs singlet with silver trim that resembles flames. On the front of the singlet in Japanese characters is “Suzuki.” Suzuki also wears a pair of white polychloroprene (AMA brand) kneepads, white polychloroprene (AMA brand) kick pads, and white boots (classic style). Suzuki has short black hair and is clean-shaven.
Outside the ring Suzuki dresses in a light gray suit, black dress shirt, black tie, and black dress shoes.

Style: technical, aerial, martial arts
History: Suzuki is a pure athlete, played multiple sports in high school (baseball, soccer, and volleyball). Suzuki also has over 20 years of training in the martial arts of Judo and Aikido.

Entrance: Metallica’s “Orion” plays over the area speakers. Masato Suzuki walks confidently to the ring alongside his tag team partner, Takeshi Yamoto, and led by his manager Miss Kamiko. Suzuki is dressed in his wrestling attire (singlet, kneepads, boots, taped wrists) along with a letterman’s jacket and tinted sunglasses. After entering the ring, he acknowledges the crowd and takes off his jacket and sunglasses.

Pic base: Minoru Tanaka

Wrestler’s Name: Takeshi Yamoto
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 276 lbs.
Age: 29
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Entrance Music: “Orion” by Metallica
Finisher: Dragon Crusher
Finisher description: Off the Top Rope 3/4 Face Lock Bulldog
Move set:
1. Back Drop Fall Away Slam
2. Brainbuster DDT
3. Bulldog Lariat
4. Running Powerslam
5. Single Leg Powerbomb
6. Spinning Elbow Smash
7. Step-Over Toe Hold Face Lock (STF)
8. Super Belly to Belly Suplex
9. Suplex Powerslam
10. Thrust Kick
Manager: Miss Kamiko
Alignment: Tweener
Appearance: Yamoto is of Japanese heritage, has a medium built, muscular body, and wears a royal blue spandex scoop with legs singlet with silver trim that resembles flames. On the front of the singlet written in Japanese characters is “Yamoto.” Yamoto also wears a pair of white polychloroprene (AMA brand) kneepads and white boots (classic style). Also wears a black polychloroprene (AMA brand) elbow pad on left arm and wraps white athletic tape around his wrists. Yamato has black shoulder length hair and a trimmed mustache and goatee. He has a tattoo of a dragon spitting fire on the top of his left shoulder.
Outside the ring Yamoto dresses in dresses in a light gray suit, black dress shirt, black tie, and black dress shoes.
Style: technical, aerial, powerhouse
History: Yamoto is a former collegiate Greco-Roman wrestler and semi-professional baseball player. Before entering the squared-circle he was a nightclub bouncer in Singapore.

Entrance: Metallica’s “Orion” plays over the arena speakers. Takeshi Yamoto walks confidently to the ring alongside his tag team partner, Masato Suzuki, and led by his manager Miss Kamiko. Yamoto is dressed in his wrestling attire (singlet, kneepads, boots, taped wrists) along with a leather jacket with silver studs along each sleeve and mirrored sunglasses. After entering the ring, he acknowledges the crowd and takes off his jacket and sunglasses.

Pic base: Kensuke Sasaki

Sample Roleplay:

Live in the Nagoya Dome, a baseball game between the Chunichi Dragons and the Yokohama Bay Stars is in the final inning; [the camera pans across the baseball field and zooms in on Masato Suzuki and Takeshi Yamoto are in dugout of the Dragons. [Speaking in Japanese] Sasaki tells Yamoto that in 24 hours they will have a final match before moving on to the CWF and if he was worried about it. [Replying in Japanese] Yamoto laughs and says that they will be ready to take on any opponents, because they were teaming for over 2 years and ready to break into the CWF. Both start laughing and begin heckling the team’s mascot. The team mascot approaches both men and returns insults to the two.
Both men stand up and approach the mascot. Suzuki is then attacked by the mascot, but Yamoto hits the mascot with a thrust kick. The mascot falls to the ground and the Yamoto picks up the mascot and he and Suzuki attacks the mascot with a Stuff Power Bomb. The entire Dragons bench clears and charges both Suzuki and Yamoto. Both men jump up into the stands and runs away. [Camera fades to black]
[Camera fades in] Suzuki and Yamoto are met by Miss Kamiko who is in the parking garage, all three jump into a car and leave the Nagoya Dome.

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