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Date Posted: 05:18:05 12/11/02 Wed
Author: owner
Subject: <font color=#ADBE80>Illuminate: Solas City</font>

Dusk heralds the dawning of the light. All around it flickers into being casting its artificial splendour over the endless streets below and confining shadows to the forgotten recesses of the backstreets. It is now that they emmerge transformed by the bright night and transported into the electric atmosphere. Magnificent spirits revel from end to end of the thrilling Twilight Strip expressing the seven deadly sins in no rigid order. Music and laughter flood the weaving streets and resonate through the heart of this dazzling metopolis. Slumber is never mentioned, this quixotic nocturne was never meant for such a thing. To miss the glory of those staggeringly tall buildings glowing like luminaries, to shun the rich incandescence that saturates the pristine boulevards, to turn your back on all that links us to the heavens.. unspeakable trangressions. So dispel your troubles and encounter the sleepless Solas City in all its wonder. Let the day slip into memory and follow us into our midnight sanctuary. Illuminate.

This fresh and new rpg is intended for the realistic role-playing of humans. There are over 13 different locations and that figure is set to grow once the game gets on its feet really and truely!


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