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Date Posted: 06:00:09 12/11/02 Wed
Author: Owners
Subject: Spellbound v1.0

Enter Spellbound Here
Across the way, just visible beyond the undisturbed lawn of this emerald paradise bathed in the swarthy tones of midnight and moonlight, lies the legendary castle and school, Hogwarts. It's history can be found on countless books, tales and myths told from the previous generations, ranging from their own experiences to researched topics on things like historical events that happened long before your generation. Your class filters past the enchanted shrubbary and scuttling creatures, making a way up to the large, refined enterance hall where a familiar face meets your expedition. A few words are exchanged, those between student and teacher, and fellow peers...then you are led with the mainstream into the familiar vastness of the great hall. Rows of tables are displayed before you, set up in an orderly fashion with dim lit candles and a hexed night sky hover suspended overhead. Seated at the head of the quarter is the great, respected Dumbledore with his devoted loyals and faithful staff -- their weary, but welcoming faces scrutinizing the students as more and more pour in. There's a shuffle of robes and the headmaster stands, his venerable stance causing a hushed silence to fall upon the congregation. With a faint smile he continues, addressing a few school issues and finally welcoming you back to the castle again. The first years are sorted and his hands motion for you to sit...the feast has now begund. Welcome back for another consecutive year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy...have a bewitching year..

Welcome to Spellbound: A Harry Potter RPG. To those of you who don't know, RPG is short for Role Playing Game...which means you play the characters from the book or make up your own. This game was created by Caitie and Krystal in the spirit that it would be home to several active, enthusiastic, talented writers -- more along the lines of those who are intermediate to advanced. Therefore, the game require experience and descriptiveness...talent is a must as well as creativity! Please follow the rules and guidelines, and enjoy the game..all questions, comments and concerns can be taken to the OOC board or discussed over AiM/Email..

URL: http://www.geocities.com/hprpg_v1

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