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Subject: Further Invitation

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Date Posted: 11:47:40 06/29/06 Thu
In reply to: Willie I 's message, "Camp Menu" on 18:51:54 06/25/06 Sun

Debbie Millan Basa, kamusta na? we've been trying to call the numbers you gave us before but both don't seem to work now. Response naman diyan whether or not you can make it to the summercamp this time.

Joy Masa Mifalar, are you gonna be with us at the camp? Please update us with whatever development that has come up with your plan/intention to come. Prayerfully you can join us. Try to call you tonight.

Aneya & Jonah, not gonna be more persistent this time. I know there's no harm in trying, it only hurts,... and it did hurt. always love you both, though.

Boy T. you told us you can't make it, and we understood. Thanks a lot for all your efforts (and for helping us with program/invitation) and endless support (especially this web and your dollar contribution [hi hi hi] to the group). Please keep it up with the CYF. Mabuhay ka talaga along with your loved ones.

Further call for Gina Inocencio Pineda(?), (Sharon already said she can't make it due to a more important commitment), Mirriam Mina Mills, Auntie Minda Julio, the Navarro sisters - Daisy and Lorna, Aie Jr., the former Minas Sevilla and her siblings at sa lahat lahat na namiss namin, sana you can all come and join us and re-experience the dugong CYF spirit and brotherhood, especially as we exercise together FAITH IN ACTION. God's will prevail. The Lord bless you all. Shalom.

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more invites....Nick12:19:28 06/29/06 Thu

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