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Subject: ...and that's the way it was

Willie I
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Date Posted: 17:44:20 07/18/06 Tue
In reply to: daniels 's message, "3rd Annual Summercamp, Dugong CYF USA" on 18:40:31 07/05/06 Wed

-it took us 6.5 hours to reach the camp coming from San Diego! The brush fire in Temecula shut down both lanes of I-15 and set us back atleast 3 hours. Plus we were in the crowed of the "Friday afternoon"traffic towards Las Vegas.

-accomodation could have been better except for the broken showerhead and the very slow flushing toilet. You have to flush 2X ! No wonder there's a big sign that reads, "No Sanitary napkins".

-The "Amazing Race" was fun . Thanks for Joy's creativity.
The water and cold Capri Sun was well appreciated at every station. Please replace it with Gatorade next year. By the way, can we do "Fear Factor" also?

-the young people's participation this time was well noted.
They almost run the whole show-except "food preparation.
'Well get them involve next time. They will take charge of the morning breakfast and the "olds" will have an x-tra hour sleep . We will make them serve pancake, made to order omelet, made from scratch hashbrown and fresh squeeze orange juice.

-the talent show was a big hit! we will prepare for it next year with better sound system, bigger prices and will be recorded for future enjoyment.

-For all, thank you for the remarkable weekend of friendship and joy. See you all next year!

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