Subject: FEMA camps - imprizonment, enslavement, extremination facilities for huge number of individuals |
Knuit Holt
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Date Posted: 23:35:14 06/15/17 Thu
Watch Out for the Steadily Growing and Proliferating Massive FEMA Complexes and Similar
What is described here is a fenomenon seen in USA and also in most of the allied countries of USA. In this article the term FEMA is used as a short term for the Federal Emmergency Management Facility of USA and similar facilities in allied countries
In the last years one has seen a continual establishment of big and massive FEMA camps or camps of the same type that do not tag themselves as belonging to any particular organization. They are seen in all of North America and Europe, not only in USA.
The camps are generally equipped with heavy vans suited for military operations or for transport of persons under guardianship.
Also one sees great number of vans that look like some kind of intensive care ambulanses, without being tagged as such.
The vans are often white whith or whitout symbols telling they belong to FEMA, they have few windows and those that are, are darkened or sladded. Other vehicles are dark or camouflage greybrown with dakened windows, and only some of them are tagged with FEMA symbols or symbols of any other organization. Technically they may belong to the National Guard or some national transport organization, but teir whereabouts strongly indicate they often work for FEMA.
The vans are also already in heavy use on the highways of North America.
The camps are usually also connected to the railway network, and in many of the camps one find two-leveled railway vagons suited for mass transportation of humans.
Private megastores, sports stadiums and other big places for the public are either shut down and converted to fortified camps or equipped or reshed so that they can surve as such if not shut down yet, and this is seen especially with Walmart facilities.
Underground tunnels has been constructed and stedily are under construction that connect all these facilities.
Around the country there are a number of intelligence center, called fusion centers, with the purupose of gathering and collocacating surveillance based intelligence from all kind of public and private sources regarding all kind of actions and movements of citizens. The FEMA complex is a major consumer of this intelligence.
The massive amounts of FEMA camps with associated equipment being erected now, surely has a purpose, or several purposes of use in the near future.
- One possibly espect some catastrophy to happen, which the public is not aware of yet, and the camps are meant to house people hit by the catastropy.
- Possibly one plans to use them to incarcerate all individuals that do not fit into the steadily thighter standards for living or behavior being imposed all over the World right now.
- Possibly they plan to incarcerate people that have shown to be a threat to, or to oppose, the order of the society or plans for new World or national orders.
- Possibly the camps are meant as death camps for people not conforming to strict standards, or are regarded as a threat to the existing or planned orders of the society.
- Possibly they plan to inarcerate a huge number of people and use them as slave laborers for the big multinational companies. USA and other countries pass steadily new laws defining any daviation from a strict standard of normal behavior as a major crime punishable with long prizon terms. Those imprizoned will then be rented out as slave laborers to the great companies. This is already happening, but with the steadily greater amount of people imprizoned the camps will be used.
- Possibly many of the camps are meant as reformation facilities for children and teens that do not conform to steadily stricter standards for attitudes, behavior, psycological status, bodily status and mental status. This is already happening, but when the number of institutionalized kids gets big enough these caqmps will be takn into use.
- Possibly one have near future plans to end national democracies and set in place a governance by a global elite using the United Nations as a platform for this coup, and incarcerate all that oppose or are a threat to the new order.
- Possibly one plans to bus large groups of individuals to the buildings to install electronic seurveillance chips into them, and to perfom physical and mental procedures on them that make them easy to control for the government. There are already symptoms in the society telling this already is happening, and those targeted so far are mostly children or teens that are bussed to the establishments under heavy anesthesia from where they live.
- Possibly they are meant as concentration central for individuals that the society wants to use a guinea pigs in medical research projects or as resources for organs and tissue, for the benefit of higher ranking individuals in the society, and as distrinution facilities for organs and tissues taken. Children and teens are the nost actual for such abuse. Already the number of children and teens disappearing sudenly for never to be found, and the great number of children and teens being declared brain-dead in an undue time after incidences, suggest something of the kind is alreay heavily pÄerating.
Probably one plans for all these uses. FEMA itself will not be the conductor of all these enterprizes, but it will rent out the facilities and their practical help to those conducting them.
The magnitude of the camp complexes and their heavy militaristic equipment makes them suited for all the listed purposes, even the most sinister ones.
Furthermore there exist in USA and other countries legislations that makes it possible for the president or the like to declare martial laws yhat set aside all kind of human rights that the law normally protects in case of some national crisis, even the right to live and exist, and what constitute a national crisis is ill defined.
It is a historical fact that leaders willing to incarcerate huge number of individuals and commit mass murder fairly frequently get to power, even by democratic elections. The mere existanse of these camps together with that kind of legislation, will therefore constitute a constant threat for the freedom, halth and life of every citizen, even if they are not meant for any sinister purposes in the first place.
But what is then the main purpose3 of these ccmplexes:
To rescue and support ciizens in case of a catastropy is likely a a purpose. It is illogical to think that leaders of the country only have bad purposes.
But FEMA has seldome used much of its resources and exsorted a real effective effort to help people when real catastrophes have occured. This was clearly seen by the Cathrina cyclon incident that sat most of New Orlans under water. One is therefore led to the sad concluion that recuing people is not the highest objective of that organization.
The general purpose of the organization therefore must be physical controle, logistics, mobilization and herding of the population for any purpose the leaders of the state might have. And the heavy militaristic equipment of the organization tells that it has the aim of doing so by any means necessary to fulfill the objective of the leaders, which includes such measure as mind controle, incarceration and killing.
Many will authomatically think that even thinking that such plans exist, is lunatic. Those should be reminded that many of these types of atrocities have happend in the relatively near history, in a massive degree and in societies with a high cultural standard, of which Germany under Hitler, and Eastern Europe under the communist regimes are the most conspicous examples.
Everybody should surveil closely what is happening, globally, nationally and localy, make they one's own condluions and prepare oneself physically and materially, as well as plan escape routes.
By Knut Holt
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