Subject: Governments spying upon and surveilling average citizens and their children |
Knut Holt
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Date Posted: 04:26:59 06/20/17 Tue
To read about governments spying and surveilling average citizens and their childre, about unethical athlete development of kids by surgical, farmacological and soycological trickery, about rosacea and red skin with delated red vessels, please scroll down.
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Domestic Surveillance and Spying, a Threat against Average Citizens
By Knut Holt
Many types of instances are surveilling average citizens in any community in the world and recording data. The data is stored, analyzed and then used for own purposes, handed over to authorities or sold to third parties for proffit. Instances that perform these actions or resceive the data for use are private companies, police, child protective agencies, secret services, social services, insurance companies, scientific institutes, health authorities and many more.
Objectives for this extensive data collection are typically such as: to protect children, to combat illness, for national and domestic security, for scientific use, to find the best advertizing targets for specific goods, for public planning, to develop company strategies and much more. Since the spying is performed in a hideous way the purposes are also poorly known in most instances, and objectives openly communicated may not be the real ones. Steadily more often they use the necessity for protecting the society from terror and children from abuse as an objective, and at the same time one tends to use absurdely wide defitions of terror and child abuse. Here is a survey of the most important contemporary domestic surveillance activities:
When you go to the supermarket or any other bigger store, the products and quantities you buy together with your bank account is read into the payment terminal and stored in the computer connected to that terminal. These data are then typically distributed to a third party that builds up a dossier about the buyng habits associated with your bank account. The third party then gets personal information about you and your family from the bank and identifies you as individuals. Based on your buying habits they then deduce a lot about the personal life of you and you family, including your children. The data is then distributed to cooperating instances, both authorities and private companies.
Most websites that give you free information or free cervices, for example online newspapers, Google, Youtube, Yahoo, are associated with spyware that register data about your activities, store them in a central and distribute them further to third parties. The script for these functions is typically loaded up by a basic script integrated in the page you are reading on. What the uploaded spyscript does, will vary from time to time, and can also be adjusted for the individual user. Based on what can be deduced about your interests, the website will also load up scripts to present adverts for individualized products and cervices. Probably data are also hideously collected by such services for authoriries.
Also most blogs or private webpages based on free systems like for example Wordpress contain scripts that upload spyware when you read or write at the blog. These systems will automatically place the script for uploading of the active spyscripts in the code when the blog or webpage is constructed. A developer with programming knowledge can of cource take that script out, but most forget to do it, or it is against the contract for use of the free development system to do it. When someone reads or writes into the blog or webpage, his activities will be recorded, and what is interesting will be distributed to third parties.
It is a wellknown fact that surveillance cameras with microphones are installed all around at public places like streets, stores, theatres, cinemas, hospitals, sport arenas and schools. There is a growing tendency to install such cameras also at places where intimate activities occur, like locker rooms and toilets, so that anything you do at those places is surveilled. Often the cameras at the most intimate places are hidden so you do not know that they are there, or are camouflaged as some other type of installation. What you or your children do at all these places is also videotaped and stored. These data is steadily more often analyzed and the most interesting things from these audiovisual data are distributed to third parties which most typically will be police, social servcises and child protective agencies.
Authorities do not restraint themselves from spying on citizens, and especially children, even at places for the most private and intimate needs and actions. It has been amply revieled that a great many schools have surveillance cameras installed in the locker rooms and toilets the children use, so that one can record in detail what the children do at these places. Probably hidden spy equipment is installed even in the toilet equipment itself so that the bodily functions of children can be recorded.
The revelations have come forth by use of freedom of information acts. But there are always something in ayy community that is not covered by such acts, so one can surely deduce that hidden cameras not admitted is also installed to spy on the most intimate moments in the daily life of children.
So far most acounts are from UK, but it is a fact that USA, Canada, UK and Scandinavian countries extensively copy the practices regarding children, so be sure it happens worldwide.
This filming is surely used to analyse the intimate habits of children that the school find different from a strict normality scheme, at it is probably coordinated by some superior instances that use it, like the child protetive agenies and special polise units. If not coordinated and ordered by more superior agencies, so many schools have hardly dared to install spy equipment at these places.
If you go to google and type "cameras in children's toilets" you will find massive accounts of this expanding practice.
Drones that fly around high and low to record the activities of citicens are becoming steadily more commen, and these drones are typically used secretly so no-one knows about it. Must so-called UFO-sightings are probably due to sightings of such drones. They takes photos, perform videotaping and listen to wireless communications. They may also contain technology to interfere with such communications. Most typically they surveil districtwise, but are also used to surveil persons on individual basis. There is a growing tendency to especially survail children and their parents with drones. Such drones are most often operated by police units, but stedily more often privat companies, property owners, child protective agencies and social services use drones as a part of their arsenal, or buy services based on drone usage from providers of such survices.
In many societies the banks have been instructed to subject the use of your accaunts to a thight scrutiny, and any unusual activity pattern from what is common in the society, or any new pattern of use of your accounts trigger alarms that make the employees of the bank investigate you. If the investigation reveals even slight suspicion of some illegal activity, the bank is instructed to report you to authorities, and the bank has been given the permission to deny transactions or even block your acount totally from use on such circumstances. Banks have generally employed sophisticated software to do this spying and analyses, and you are not allowed to know what data the bank is collecting about you. This is at least the situation in the European Union and countries associated with the European Union.
Your telephone service provider or ISP prowider is constantly registering and storing data about all your connections and also store all messages you have resceived or sent. They can also store your voiced conversations if that is of interest. Traditionally the old data are erazed when the roll for the abonnent is full and new data is filled in, but steadily more some key data are stored permanently. These data are handed to authorities on a regular basis or after request. The provider will of cource also sell data about you to third parties that then will send you adverts based on what they can deduce about your interests.
Telephone companies also typically have permanent surveillance lines from their servers to police units so that the communication of spcific citizen can be tapped at will any time. In many countries there are moves to increase the bandwith of this surveiilance network by connecting such lines them to all local telecommunication link stations, and not only to central servers. The objective of this expansion is be able to surveil and record all communication to and from all citizens at all times. These activities are of cource regulated by law, but these vary between communities and often give the authorities wide privileges, and do not be sure that the authorities themselves abide to the law.
In June 2013 a former employee of FBI and of a contractor company working for NSA (National security agency), Eduard Snowden, revealed through newspapers documents that prove that NSA surveil the communication of all customers of certain telephone companies and of services like Google, yahoo, Skype, AOL, Microsoft and Youtube. The documents were mailnly copies of approval from courts in the USA that they could freely take in data about whole groups of citizens. According to the documents the surveillance were massive regarding comunication crossing the border to USA, but somewhat unclear about the extent of surveillance of purely domestic communication.
It seems that the surveillance plan is working this way: The providers handle over to the NSA scheduled lists that identify all calls and all communication sessions and the people communicating. For people thay are especially interested in surveilling, they record in real time the calls and sessions and all data transfere during the calls and sesions, including voice and pictures. The surveillance is achieved through wires directly connected into the backbone servers of the providers. The system used by the NSA is identified with the name PRISM, but some or perhaps much of the data processing is probably done by proprietary software belonging to the providers, because the providers themselves perform surveillance in order to sell data about custoners and their cativities. Probably the providers are paid a rather huge revenue from the authorities for the the data they hand over.
When you or your children visit the family doctor, pediatrician, health center or hospital, or when your children have a physical exam in the school, you typically will deliver a urine specimen or it is taken blood specimens. These specimens will of cource be used to control traditional fysiological parameters, like hemoglobin, blood sugar, cholesterole and lipids. They are also often used to test you for use of illegal drugs, but also legal substances used in a way the society does not approve. Sometimes it is openly communicated that such tests are done, but often not. In addition it is possible to find out a lot more about you or your families lifestyle by applying specific tests to the specimens. The results of the tests are typically stored in central databases, and distributed to interessents that can be insurance companies, social services, child protective agencies, scientific institution and private companies.
If you, and especially your children are under anesthesia for some procedure, being tonsillectomy, dental work or whatever, it is a great chance that the staff or someone cooperating with the staff will do secret exams, take secret pictures, or take secret specimens, often of a very intimate kind, to find out as much as possible about you and your children. And what they find is used by all kind of community services, but perhaps especially the social services and the child protective agecies.
In many societies children are frequently sent to special exams to screen for sexual abuse or sexual behavior that the society does not approve. or to investigate observations that are interpreted as symptoms of sexual abuse. These exams are sometimes done secretly when the child is under anesthesia for some other reason, sometimes with the child awake. In many societies one has got to a situation where the authorithies nearly automatically suspect parents for abusing their children, and always suspect children that deviate some way from the social norm to be victims of sexual abuse. It does not matter for the society if the deviation is positive or negaive. For example will a child that is more intelligent than the average, and showing interests accoring to his or her intelligence nearly automatically be suspected for being an abuse victim.
During these exams they will take all kind of specimens, including specimens from all body openings and they will take intimate picture of the child. These data will be stored permanently and the data themselves or the interpretations made from the data will be distributed to interessents, like police, social services, the school, scientific institutions and child protective agencies.
The activities told about here are not done in every society in every country on Earth at equal extent, but be sure that this informationat least in some degree apply to the society where you live, and in many societies they apply in full extent, and regardless of the society is a democratic one or one that tends towards dictatorship. In all societies there are of cource laws that regulate surveillance of this kind, but the laws are invariably constructed in such a way that certain authorities have nearly full privilage to spy at you or your children with any type of means. The authorities that have the greatest privilages, are usually not the ordinary police, but more often child protective agencies, the school system and social services.
Knut Holt is a business and market consultant that also is interested in science, health, fitness and sexual issues. Please go to his website to find information and smart products to improve fitness, increase sexual satisfaction and help against common health problems. You can also find information and products in the fields automotive, electronics RC models and hobby.
You can freely copy and distrubute this article, as long as the author's link is present in a well visible form.
Steadily more schools install cameras in locker rooms and toilets to spy on children and teens. So far most acounts are from UK, but it is a fact that USA, Canada, UK and Scandinavian countries extensively copy the practices regarding children, so be sure it happens worldwide.
This filming is surely used to ananalyse the intimate habits of children that the school find different from a strict normality scheme, at it is probably coordinated by some superior instance that use it, like the child protetive agenies and special polie units.
If you go to google and type "cameras in children's toilets" you will fond several accounts of this expanding practice, off which thi is an example:
Also read here for a more coprehensive acount about the surveillance from authorities and service providers upon average citizens.
by Knut Holt
We have heared much about security agencies spying on ordinary citizens, as well on political actants, using tapping of electronic communication. But some even more direct and physically hardcore scary methods has since sveral years been in use and these are gradually extended to all pats of the communities in USA and the allied countries.
The ability to trace all physical movements of any citizen in USA and allied countries have been built out enormously. Technically they use antenna stations, drones and even electronic chips secretedly implanted in persons. The antenna stations and the drones can communicate with cellphones or other electronic devices you have on you and they can monitor you even more directly if you have an electronic chip inplanted in you. .
If you think you have seen an UFO or a swarm of UFOs, you have most probably seen surveillance drones that are watching the area, including you and your children.
If you or your children have been under anesthesia for some procedure or exam, the chance that you have got an electronic chip inplanted secretly is rather high in certain comunities, and the drones and antennas also communicate with those chips to surveil you.
Steadily more communities in USA and other countries have a secret program of inplanting electronic chips into every child or teen so that they can be monitored at any time with antennas in the area and with surveillance drones constantly circling the airspace over the community. The kids are called in for an exam under anetshesia using some pretence and inplantation of these chips is one of the things done.
Please read in depth about domestic spying here:
Unmarked Governmental Vans Engaged in Child and Teen trafficking
Unmarked vans owned by the government are steadily more often seen at roads in USA and other coutries.
These have generally blackened windows and it is generally unable to look into them, except to some degree at the drivers cabin and in that cabin nothing especially interesting is to be seen, except that the driver and helpers wear some sort of military-like outfit, but with a neutral look.
Some of these are heavy duty vans, and are obviously transporting some material, possibly nuclear equipment for the military forces.
But the most interesting of these are trucks of a more moderate size, that usually drive in small columns. By appearance these seem more suited for transportation of people than technical equipment. The car models and the outfit of the cars are typicallly the same as that of ambulances.
The trucks may in fact be some kind of camoufaged ambulances, and if so, the persons being transported are most probably children or teenagers which are held deeply sedated or under general anesthesia. The child protective system each day transport children taken from parents to secret places, and this is a possible method of doing so.
They might also carry children taken hold of to use them as guinea pigs in governmental projects.
They might be young people having been declared braid dead, but with still living bodies, and possibly still living brains to, and are under transport to some clearing central for distribution of organs.
They might be children and teens being transported this way to governemental correction facilities or mental hospitals where they will be held secretly for a specific time.
Some of these trucks are possibly owned and operated by the National Guard, but still the National Guard may be on some mission for other governmental bodies, like the CPS or jouvenile correction system. Services like national guards and the like in any ountry tend to do services for other bodies when these other bodies require some security transportation service or the like.
This is a common feature in any society. You use your resources for several purposes, and especially security services work on orders from several other agencies, and especially agenies like child protective agenies or the like.
By Knut Holt
By the way. a lot of good advices about health, fitness and sexuality
Athlete Development by Unhealthy Medical and Psychological Intervention on Children and Teens
By Knut Holt
All over the World persons destined to become competition athletes are systematically subjected to a strict training and diet regime with a military-like disipline from they are young kids, without regard for the ultimate well.being of the kid, and the future well-bing of the adults these kids acentually will be.
In these training regimes there is a cartain element of fun, pleasure and happiness, but only in the way and degree that it helps the goal of producing a athlete that can take gold medals in national and international competitions.
These regimes are fairly well known. What is not so well known, is that those kids are developed systematically not only with a strict training regime, but also with extensive medical interventions of pharmacological, surgical and physical kind. On the long term these interventions can produce disasterous result from their health as adults.
Also psychological interventions are used to make the children obey the regimes, to feel an ambition they would not feel otherwise, and to suppress other whishes and ambitions they would naturally have. Some of the interventions also make the kids feel a kind of ecstacy, not unlike sexual ecstacy, coupled to the training regime, that is used as a driving force.
Often these kids attend special sport schools, often boarding schools, with hospital sections where the kids undergo the programs consisting of surgeries and other imterventions. Other kids attend sport clubs that have theie own medical centers for that purpose or cooperate with some nearby medical center.
Sveral drugs are forbidden to use during training and compettition. Among those are many steroids. But symptoms you can watch at young athletes,like for example girls having a typical masculine body shape, points to extensive treatment of athletes under development with these kind of drugs, but of cource it happens secretly.
Less clandestine is the use of asthma medication to alollow to make it easier for young athletes to train intensively and thereby obtain greater development within muscle mass and condition. Even though there are certain restrictions on the use of such drugs, the restrictions are commonly overcome by false asthma diagnoses. Some of these drugs also hane a direct anabolic effects, commonly danied by the sport clubs and their medical apparatus.
In sports where great flexibility and slim body figure gives advantages, drugs to delay or even block the pubertal development is commonly used both for boys and girls, so that the shape and flexibility of a child is preserved in athletes in their teens or after. Some nations or teams are commonly accused of sending underage performers to international competitions, pretending that they are older. This might be true, but more likely these performers are much older, but with pharmacologically blocked pubertal development.
Especially in sports that require great flexibility, this is not only achieved by classical stretching exercises, but also by techical equipment of various kind. To achieve greater flexibility in the pelvic region, the anus, rectum, urethra or vagina are frequently blocked out or otherwise manipulated on kids being developed to athletes.
Furthermore, the colon, anus, bladder and urethra of these kids are often manipulated by insertion of balloons that are then inflated. The purpose seem to be facilitaion of complete emptying of the colon and bladder before they perform, so that the content is not any hinder for training and performance.
These kids is also frequently subjected to cystoscopy or vaginoscopy where long term working medication is injected in the deeper parts of the genitals with the purpose of decreasing sexual reactions,like erections, that are seen as a hinder for the training and development process.
These manipulations are often done in massage sessions after training, and with the kid sedated so that heshe is not fully aware of what is going on.
Intervations to make joints and body structures more flexible is very common during the development of a young athlete. The hip joints are most often surgically reshaped for this purpose. Also structures in the pelvic floor around the genitals and anus are subjected to surgery to make the structures more fit for extensive bendings and flextions.
A fairly common surgical intervention in athletics that require great flexibility is removal of some rib bones.
In some sport clubs, the size of male genitals are sytematically reduced to make the area more fit for the sport they perform. It seems to be most common in swim clubs.
Most female top artists have got the development of the breasts depressed or they have undergone surgery to diminish the breasts.
From American collage sport there are exampls of heart surgery to increase the working capacity of the heart in young athletes. Probably the capacity of the vessels furnishing the heart with blood is increased during the surgery.
Also from American collage sport there are also examples of surgery to reduce the size of the intestines to make the abdumen get an optimal shape.
Hypnotic techniques are often used to motivate children for the transformational program to make a top athlete. An objective of the techiques is to make the child believe firmly in the glory of being a successful athlete, to believe firmly that he or she will become such a athlete and to decrease their consciousness of other immediate or long term wishes.
The children will often be sedeted with drugs before the hypnotic sessions to weaken own critical judgement about the material suggested.
Medical research organizations and universities use athletes under development extensively as guinea pigs to try out new surgidal and pharmacological methods to alter body development, shape and function, and to try out new techniques for mental manipulation.
Many of the body-alterning techiques used on the kids are such new methods not commonly known about or older methods still kept secret.
The kids are also used extensively as training objects for medical students and for doctors under specialization.
The sport clubs and sport schools earn money for renting out kids for these purposes.
Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing health, fitness and techniques for improvement of the sexual life. He is also interested in what happens in the society as a whole and in technology. Please see his web-site to find more information within these fields and presentation of smart products to help against diseases, to enhance fitness and to increase sexual ability and satisfaction. You can also find rc models, building sets, car equipment, watches, jewelry and much more, and corresponding information.
What is Rosacea - Symptoms and Treatment Options
Rosacea gives dilated blood vessels and inflammation in the skin. The skin is often also infected by bacteria. Most often the face is attacked and especially the convex surfaces of the face. Sometimes also the eyes or other body parts are affected. Rosacea may begin early, but distinct and serious symptoms usually develop as an individual gets older.
The primary symptoms of rosacea are the following. All the symptoms may not be present always.
- Permanent redness in the skin. This redness can get better or worse periodically.
- Flushing or redness that comes and disappears periodically.
- Telangiectasia - This is a distinct widening of small blood vessels in an area.
- Papules - Small dome-shape spots filled with fluid, often group wise.
- Skin areas with rosasea symptoms often get infected, and the infection worsens the symptoms.
- Pustules or pimples - Sometimes infection makes the papules develop into real pimples. However, if the pimples appear in a hair follicle stuffed with sebum (comedones), they are a symptom of acne, and not rosacea. Pimples from acne and rosacea may exist together.
Rosacea also implies secondary symptoms that are caused by the primary symptoms, or appear later than the primary ones.
- Burning or stinging.
- Placks - elevated red areas.
- Scaling, often associated with burning or stinging.
- Dry skin, often occurring before scaling.
- Edema coming in areas that already has been red for some time.
- Symptoms from the eyes like: Redness, itching, burning, corneal damage.
- Thickening of the skin, or lumps in the skin.
- Distended hair follicles.
- Rosacea in other places than the face.
The exact causes are not known, but some people seem to inherit the tendency of developing rosacea. People that blush very often seem to develop rosacea more easily. Therefore rosacea may be caused by blood vessels that dilate too easily upon stimulation, and eventually become permanently dilated.
The following types of stimulation may cause worsening of the rosacea symptoms: heat, hot baths, strenuous exercise, sunlight, wind, very cold temperatures, hot or spicy foods and drinks, alcohol consumption, menopause, emotional stress, prolonged use of topical steroids on the skin.
Traditional medicine does not have any treatment for the basic processes of rosacea, such as redness and the blood vessel extension.
Laser treatment may be used to take away already dilated blood vessels or skin irregularities by rosacea. The laser light heats and destroys the dilated blood vessels.
When infection is a part of the disease, and papules or pustules occur, rosacea is treated with antibiotics, usually applied directly on the skin, for example metronidazole. Oral treatment may also be used by severe rosacea, for example with: Tetracycline, minocycline, erythromycin, and doxycycline.
By pimple formation, you can also use rinsing skin cleansers in the same way as by acne.
On the market you can find several alternative medicines, mostly topical creams, to treat rosacea. These often contain natural oils, herbal extracts, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants that alleviate inflammation and stimulate skin healing. They may also contain mild antiseptic agents to treat bacterial infection.
Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. TO FIND innovative medicines against acne, rosacea, scars, wrinkles, other skin problems and natural anti-aging supplements for the skin and the whole body, VISIT THIS SITE:---
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