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Subject: Re: today's show

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Date Posted: 21:52:34 03/01/05 Tue
In reply to: filthpig 's message, "today's show" on 10:08:47 02/28/05 Mon

man its hilarious hearing chuck & kevin pissing off laker fan. most of the callers so far don't seem to know about the show, and they get pissed if they talk about anything other than the pathetic lakers. chuck has been raggin' Kobe as he deserves, and L.A. fan is pissed. its hard to believe that in a city the size and magnatude of L.A. all they have are (excluding those greedy NHL schmucks) two average NBA teams and two MLB teams, one of which is a class act (the angels) which people there despise. and the Dodgers are laughable at best. you can keep the mudslides, earthquakes, fires, snobby attitudes, high cost of living, bad economy, etc... i'll take my rocky mountain high and everything that goes with it. ok so the Rockies stink but Coors Field is always good for a 10-11 game with several dingers mixed in.

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Subject Author Date
Re: today's showTonyInLA22:29:04 03/01/05 Tue
    Re: today's showRich07:33:05 03/02/05 Wed

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