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Subject: Re: today's show

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Date Posted: 22:29:04 03/01/05 Tue
In reply to: filthpig 's message, "today's show" on 10:08:47 02/28/05 Mon

>best talk radio (sports or otherwise) i've heard since
>12/5/02. great to hear Kiley&Booms back on. i had
>forgotten that they rarely interview people. which i
>absolutely love. as much as i enjoy sports, i'd rather
>watch paint dry than listen to atheletes (save for a
>few) being interviewed. and when they do, chuck
>usually asks some pretty off colour questions that
>rome or any other of the hacks would never even think
>about. man how great would it be to hear chuck
>interview barry bonds? i encourage all of you to
>e-mail sporting news radio so this can become a
>permanent thing.
I am lucky enough to be in LA. The shows have been fantastic. I called in both days. Booms cracked up when I called Kiley "Dad". I was agreeing with Booms that John Chaney should be fired. Today there were quite a few old time callers and the guys were very appreciative. It appears for now it is only a one week gig. Although the 1540 is apparently trying out "guest" hosts. Next week is Jeannie Buss - she is awful to listen to; as Chuckie would say I'd rather listen to fingernails scratching on a blackboard. Anyway send those emails to 1540 and Sporting News and who knows what could happen. I'm sure none of us in the "army" ever thought we'd see the duo back!!!!!

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Re: today's showRich07:33:05 03/02/05 Wed

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