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Subject: Barge of the Dead

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Date Posted: Mon, June 12 2006, 19:52:55
Author Host/IP: ool-44c13e36.dyn.optonline.net/

To all my loyal players and admins both present and past:
I received a package in the mail today from UPS and when I opened it up I was TOTALLY stunned and taken by surprise. I had absolutly no idea this was going on and I must say that I am totally speachless....and for me that takes a lot ! LOLOLOL I can only say, "thank you to one and all for your sentiments but I know you didn't mean it." LOL J/K. I still can't believe I got this package and I've read everything in it over and over. I never expected anything like this and it's difficult to find the right words. I am happy to have been able to provide the Barge of the Dead to the TFC community and to you all in particular who gave of your own time to help keep it on track. Your action affirms my determination to keep Da Barge afloat as long as I remain in this lifetime. I look forward to seeing you all on the Barge from time to time and hearing from you in e-mails or IM's and, oh yeah, I also appreciate the naked pictures some of you sent in of yourselves in a seperate mailer. (snicker, snicker, now they will try to figure out which ones sent them.) LOL
It has been my pleasure to look out for all of you when it was needed and I will continue to be there if the need should arise again. I know this is only a game and we all have real lives to live and most of you are just starting out on this journey and some of us have been around the block more than once, ahem, ahem, (not me of course) cough, cough, but just remember when the going gets little rough, either take a laxative or you can always come on down to DA BARGE and do a little virtual killing with some lifetime friends and release some of that tension. As always, I AM WATCHING AND I WILL GET YOU SO DON'T TEST ME OR YOU WILL LOSE AND I'LL SIC MY LOYAL BOT MINIONS ON YOU AND THEN BAN UR FUCKING ASS ! LOLOLOLOL
Seriously though, from the bottom of my black and green Barge of the Dead heart, I want to thank each and every one of you for your wishes. Sooooooooooooo here we go, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, and, not to mention, thank you too. I think I got everybody. Who ever I missed, raise your hand. I look forward to hearing from each of you so don't heistate to reach out and I will respond. However, I will NOT register with some other service and get another fucking ID and PASSWORD so use AIM DAMN IT ! LOLOL E-mail is good too. LOLOL Thank you once again, I can't believe this was kept a total secret from me. The package actually came on Friday but I missed it and was left a note by UPS. I'm always ordering stuff for one reason or another but I looked at the company name and couldn't remember what I ordered from them. So I spent the weekend looking thru my numerous e-mails for order confirmations but couldn't find any. Then UPS shows up today and I spot them pull up in front of the house on the video cam and go out to meet them. He gives me the package and it's soft but it's from an electronics company. I still don't know what it is or what I ordered. So I head inside and tear it open and....well you know the rest. Totally stunned. I never expected this but will certainly cherish this as long as I'm allowed to stalk DA BARGE. So to all you hamsterbrains out there who participated in this, I will never forget you. WaRGAsM, BoB, JcMcLane, Harvey, Winnie, Noble, TCW, BlueHero, Kefka, Mack, Ace, Cereal, Fuzzy, WW, Doc, Fizz, Dave K, Sparkling Bitch and everyone else who participated in this venture, one way or another, thanx for the memories. or was that mamories. LOLOL


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