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Subject: Barge of the Dead

DB_BOD_HMFIC_ADMIN (Don't test me - U will lose !)
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Date Posted: Mon, July 31 2006, 12:23:06
Author Host/IP: ool-44c13e36.dyn.optonline.net/

Well peeps, dare I say, TFC2 "IS", actually, just around the corner ! I can't believe it ! I've been hearing about it for years and now......well given Valve's history I don't want to put the cart in front of the horse. However, I have been considering what I'm going to do with it. I will most likely set up Barge of the Dead 2 with TFC 2 on it. The IP will be the same but if you see BOTD2 you will know it's TFC2.x and if you see just BOTD then it's the former TFC1.x. The Rules of Engagement at www.bargeofthedead.com will apply and the BAN list will be carried over. I've seen the models and they look pretty kewl but I don't know anything about the maps yet, or the players who may be interested or the bots or the plugins or any of that stuff yet. I've been eyeballing the fortress-forever site lots of interesting info there. If anybody has any info they would like to share about TFC2 then speak up damn it ! LOL I will probably put BOTD2/TFC2 on line at least to check it out and maybe have certain days or weeks for it or maybe it will just suck and the regular BOTD will be back on. Either way I won't be doing away with BOTD 1 or 2 but depending on how it pans out will determine which one is running. It may be a smash hit with tons of players and, thankfully, no fucking bots or then again maybe TFC2 won't be released. NO ! NOT THAT ! SAY IT AIN'T SO ! LOLOL Anyway, speak up if got something to add. I'm always listening.

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