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Bruce Cohen
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Date Posted: 14:58:05 03/31/04 Wed



In addition to an all-premiere season, new degrees of professional contracting, and a continuing commitment to Utah-based artists* UMT is happy to declare 2004 a season of much more affordable theater! Single-ticket prices have been slashed from $22.00 to $18.00 per adult admission. We have extended $10.00 discount tickets to all students (middle-school and up), and children ages 7 to 15. Military personnel, seniors and educators can purchase tickets for $16.00. And groups of ten or more can get their seats for $12.00 a piece.

Season subscriptions are also marked down. A three-show subscription for 2004 will cost $48.00 (a marked savings over single-ticket rates and last year's subscription price). In addition, our popular Youth Subscription Special has been continued. Every adult subscription purchased at full price entitles you to the purchase of two Youth Subscriptions at the special price of $3 each (that's only a dollar a show!).


Utah Musical Theatre has been approved to operate under an Actor's Equity Association Small Professional Theater (AEA-SPT) contract for our productions in the Allred or Eccles Theatre.

The SPT is a more formal and concrete agreement than the Guest Artist contract UMT has been using (we will still use the Guest Artist for all shows at Peery's Egyptian due to seating capacity). The SPT does a number of things for UMT, but should be seen primarily as a next step to a more permanent relationship with the actor's union. By entering into a non-transitional level of contracting, UMT positions itself for eventual growth into upper-tier, professional contracting on a LORT or CORST scale.


Borrowing from a tradition experienced while working as an actor in Chicago in the late 80s, UMT Artistic & Managing Director Bruce Cohen has introduced a policy of Industry Nights throughout the UMT season.

"It used to be that you could attend many Chicago-area productions for a negligible fee, or entirely free, if you brought a headshot and resume to exchange for your ticket", Cohen explains, "the reason for this was, I believe, two-fold. Chicago theaters, especially the smaller operations, could increase their resume files dramatically for future hiring. Also, Industry Nights encouraged active and wide-spread cross-pollination among the theater community. In fact, I have never known a town with the same feeling of mutual support among its theater folk".

Northern Utah, and especially the corridor between Provo and Logan, has a wealth of theater production. Ironically, so few people within the local industry venture beyond their own neighborhood venues. Industry Nights are an effort to break those old, reductive habits, and strengthen arts and culture region-wide.

Beginning with 2004's production of Zorro (and continuing throughout the season), every first Thursday evening performance and Saturday matinee will allot a finite number of industry seats. These tickets will be free of charge to Utahn actors, directors, designers, choreographers, stage managers, musical directors, theater technicians, producers and teachers. These tickets will be available on a first-come basis, and can only be acquired with a resume, headshot, portfolio and/or business card showing an affiliation with a Utah theater, casting agency and/or theater training program. Union and professional guild membership (e.g. AEA, SSDC, SAFD, USA, IATSE, etc.) is also acceptable.

A limited amount of free seats will be available for each performance. If all free seats are claimed, then industry members may exchange their materials for one $10.00 ticket (an $8.00 savings off the regular price).


Completing a process that began back in September '03, Utah Musical Theatre is pleased to announce that casting and primary hiring has been officially put to bed for the 2004 season! Some interesting facts and figures first:

* Total UMT Seasonal Staff for 2004: 74
* Number of Staff From In-State: 39
* Cities in Utah Represented by '04 UMT Staff: Brigham City, Park City, Sandy, Salt Lake City, Kaysville, Layton, Ogden, North Ogden, Morgan and Bountiful.
* Other Cities Represented UMT Staff: Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, Denver, Cincinnati, Lexington, New York, Montgomery, Sun Valley, Green Bay, Bloomington, Tulsa, Columbus, St. Louis and Philadelphia.
* Number of Staff Returning From '03: 23
* Number of AEA Members Contracted: 8 (Zorro 5, Triumph of Love 4, Pal Joey 4)
* Number of AEA Members from Utah: 2
* Other theater unions/guilds represented: The Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers (SSDC), The Society of American Fight Directors (SAFD), and United Scenic Artists (USA),


Director/Fight Director: Drew Fracher (AEA, SAFD Fight Master, SSD&C).

Mr. Fracher is a freelance director, fight arranger and actor, currently serving as a Fight Master of the Society of American Fight Directors. As a director his work has been seen at the Georgia Shakespeare Festival, the Human Race Theatre, Florida Stage, Kentucky Shakespeare Festival, New American Theatre, Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati, the Alabama Shakespeare Festival, and Tulsa Repertory Theatre. Recent directing projects include, BACH AT LEIPZIG, MACBETH, A SENSE OF PLACE, THE WHITE DEVIL, HENRY IV, pt. 1, and ALL I NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN. As a fight director his work has been seen at regional theatres across the country including, Actors Theatre of Louisville, the Alabama, Georgia, and Kentucky Shakespeare Festivals, Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, the George Street Playhouse and the Repertory Theatre of St. Louis. He is an honorary member of the British Academy of Stage and Screen Combat and the Nordic Stage Fight Society

Don Diego Vega: Paul Steger (AEA, SAFD Certified Teacher. Also, Paul is on the theater faculty at Florida State University).

Don Alejandro Vega: Joseph Batzel (Joe is a veteran UMT performer and local acting teacher who lives in Brigham City).

The Alcalde: Bernie Diamond (Bernie is a UMT vet, and local television actor, who lives in Ogden).

Captain Geraldo Ramón: John Bellomo (AEA, SAFD Certified Teacher & Fight Director. John teaches stage combat at Temple University in Philadelphia and The American Musical & Dramatic Academy in New York City.)

Senora Dona Pulido: Sherman Fracher (AEA actor based in Cincinnati, SAFD member).

Luisa Pulido: Vanessa Menendez (UMT vet, based in Los Angeles).

Ybarra: Andrea Robertson (SAFD member, based in Denver).

El Brujo: Ron Cox (Ron is a WSU student, and lives in Ogden).

Friar Filipe: Michael Weingart (AEA, SAFD member, based in New York).

Dona Elena: Jessica Pearce (Jessica is a WSU student, UMT vet and lives in Ogden).

A Soldier: Ibsen Santos (Ibsen is a WSU student and lives in Ogden).

A Soldier: Paul Cheney (Paul is a UMT vet and a WSU alumni).

A Soldier: Mark Kelley (UMT vet, based in Bloomington, IL).

A Soldier: Jon Copier (Jon is a WSU student, and lives in Kaysville).

Juanita: Kara Powell (Kara is a WSU student, a UMT vet and lives in Ogden).

Consuela: Michelle Gilbreath (UMT Newbie, based in Tulsa).

Rosa: Rosie Ward (Rosie is a WSU student, and lives in Ogden).

Triumph of Love

Director: Linda Kerns (AEA)

Currently on faculty at UCLA, Ms. Kerns has directed and performed for UMT before. Most recently, and notably, Linda directed The Fantasticks for UMTs 2003 season. This show was cited as one of the best musical theater productions in Utah of that season.

Dimas: Robert Jones (AEA actor based in New York).

Harlequin: Mark Kelley (see above)

Leonide: Kara Powell (see above)

Corine: Michelle Gilbreath (see above)

Agis: Paul Cheney (see above)

Hesione: Rebecca Hample (Rebecca is a local actor living in Park City)

Hermocrates: Michael Weingart (see above)

Pal Joey

Director: Bruce Cohen

Mr. Cohen is the Artistic and Managing Director of Utah Musical Theatre.

Joey: Mark Kelley (see above)

Mike: Joseph Batzel (see above)

Gladys: Teresa Bramwell (Teresa is an AEA actress based in Salt Lake. She is also a UMT vet
and a WSU alumnus).

Linda: Jessica Pearce (see above)

Vera: Polly Seale (Polly is an AEA actress based in Sandy. She is a UMT vet).

Melba: Andrea Robertson (see above)

Ludlow: Robert Jones (see above)

Ernest: Bernie Diamond (see above)

Louis: Paul Cheney (see above)

Victor: Ibsen Santos (see above)

O'Brien: Ron Cox (see above)

Mickey: Jon Copier (see above)

Agnes: Rosie Ward (see above)

Terry: Vanessa Menendez (see above)

Tilda: Kara Powell (see above)

The Kid: Kati Paul (Kati is a WSU student, and lives in Ogden)

Valerie: Michelle Gilbreath (see above)

Diane: Carianne Jones (Carianne is a WSU student, and lives in Ogden).

Questions? Contact Bruce Cohen at 801-626-7775 or BCohen@weber.edu

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