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Subject: Human Interest

Rik Thompson
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Date Posted: 00:23:32 04/14/04 Wed

Looking back on all the places I have been and lived in this country I find it hard to believe that the local paper here does not get involved with the human interest stories that placard other newspapers across the country. I remember in Journalism class how I loved the HI story the most. Oh, news stories are fun to write, after you fall off the pyramid a bit, but there are not as rewarding as the HI. Writing the HI gives one a feeling for the article, whether it is human, or non-human. You have an opportunity to know and understand the topic, thus passing on that knowledge and understanding to the readership. Believe it or not it does do something else. It introduces you to that building, that business, that person, or whatever it is you are writing about. As you read that history, and get acquainted with it you will find that when you do run into that which the writer of the article has imparted to you it could spark your imagination and you could find yourself delving further into it on your own. Pretty soon you are not only involved in a history lesson, you are also improving upon your own education, and curiosity. I am quite the proponent for the human interest story as it introduces us to friends we may never know we had.

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Re: Human InterestSherrie North21:35:32 04/18/04 Sun

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