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Subject: Re: GO WILDCATS!

Rex Baxter
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Date Posted: 07:26:42 10/29/04 Fri
In reply to: Jodi Holmgren 's message, "GO WILDCATS!" on 10:20:07 09/15/04 Wed

I would like to second your question. Weber State athletics is one of Ogden's greatest source of entertainment and fun. I know that some of you will chuckle at this thought given the current football season. I admit, it is unfortunate that we are having such an aweful season. I would mention that I am a fan through sun or rain.

Weber State brings a lot to this community of ours and I would venture to say that the stronger the University is in Athletics the more attention the school will get nationally, enrollment will increase which will bring additional people to our town, these new students will spend their dollars at your stores, restaurants and other businesses thus helping to increase the town's economy in a trickle down effect. Here is the remaining home Football Schedule.

Nov. 6th - North Dakota State at 1pm - Stewart Stadium
Nov. 13th - Portland State at 1pm - Stewart Stadium

Men's and Womens Basketball is also starting this next week and after watching the purple and white game it should be a great year (especially with Coach Carla Taylor and the womens team).

Men's Nov. & Dec. Home Games:
Nov. 6 - Eastern Oregon 7:05 - Dee Events Center
Nov. 13 - Carroll College 7:05
Nov. 19 - Utah Valley State 7:05
Nov. 23 - Albertson College 7:05
Dec. 8 - Southern Utah Univ. 7:05
Dec. 18 - Elon College 7:05
Dec. 23 - BYU 7:05

Women's Nov. & Dec. Home Games:
Nov. 6 - Baden Sports 3:00
Nov. 12 - NWBL 7:00
Dec. 9 - Utah 7:00 (kids free)
Dec. 20 - Boise State 7:00


Go Cats!!

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