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Subject: Re: Not a drought of water...

D Smith
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Date Posted: 15:26:42 04/03/03 Thu
In reply to: Christopher Capuso 's message, "Re: Not a drought of water..." on 03:26:48 04/03/03 Thu

I love when you talk about supporting your local business and not shopping at Wal-Mart or K-Mart. I will be the first to admit I will pick up a few items but there but I can't believe how guilty I can feel just for doing so. In this last year I have really tried harder to be aware of the ma and pa small businesses. In fact, I did most of my Christmas shopping on 25th Street. One of my big bones to pick recently is how everybody raves about the new Olive Garden on Riverdale Rd. People think they are eating 'authentic' Italian food. Yea, authentic canned food is what it is. We would rather poor our money into a self-proclaimed Italian restaurant when down on 25th Street we have a family owned, genuinely authentic, Italian restaurant, La Ferrovia by people are from Italy!!! A caring family that watches over a delicious, daily, red sauce. Geez, just look at the difference between the names. It is hard to really know what is genuine and authentic when there are so many imitations and replicas. Boccias up on Harrison is great tasting too. John Boccia has brought his family recipes from Little Italy and when it comes down to it I have a hard time deciding between La Ferrovia and Boccias. Just depends on what mood you are in. Olive Garden doesn't even come to mind any more. Anyway, I don't want to divert the discussion to food but I think it is a good example of keeping your money in Ogden.

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Re: Not a drought of water...D Smith15:31:45 04/03/03 Thu

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