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Date Posted: 19:47:25 01/18/01 Thu
Author: -=jalaki=-
Subject: Re: Totally disagree guys...
In reply to: richardb 's message, "Totally disagree guys..." on 19:39:40 01/18/01 Thu

I see your point. I suppose I shouldn't open my mouth without knowing all the facts, but too bad I'm going to anyways :)

Like I said, Ashley's message was the first thing I have heard about it and I don't know anything else about it but that it apparently provides a legal way for heroin users to shoot up...Now maybe I'm wrong but I'm of the belief that this is just going to lead to further abuse...Users aren't going to see that this we're trying to show them that they need to see their drug addiction is bad, and we're just trying to keep them alive long enough for them to realize this.

Thing is, most drug abusers do hate their addiction...but they can't stop. Just as people addicted to cigarettes or other forms of tobacco who are unable to quit, even when they want to. And those who don't want to "kick the habit" and stop using, will see it as an easy way to get high without negative consequences. I have a friend who has been addicted to several drugs throughout his lifetime, he's the same age I am (eighteen) and is the source of my above reasoning...Thankfully he does want to stop using, and has been clean for about half a year now, but he says if he had been given the opportunity for a legal injection room, he would still be using to this day.

Well I've run on long enough :)

Anyone else care to state their feelings?

"If ya smell what  -=jalaki=-  is cookin'!"
"And that's the bottom line, 'cause  -=jalaki=-  said so!"
< -=jalaki=- : n. of the Maninka language "condemn to death; condemn to hell">

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