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Date Posted: 07:59:33 01/19/01 Fri
Author: jules
Subject: Re: First Person Plural AND School psych stuff
In reply to: eddi 's message, "tsk tsk tsk....b4 u post..patti boi..check with psyc major...(WAVING MY HAND...ME!!)..hehe...they have changed the name of multiple personality disorder to DID as Dissociative idenity Disorder...(click to see more)" on 10:04:13 01/18/01 Thu

Hello Eddi, this is jules. I know you are meaning well, honest I do. One thing tho, mostly folks that teach psych classes and mostly p-docs dont know from beans about what it is REALY like to be part of a multiple system or MP or whatever. And I know you been told already, but just to be SURE, surgery is never never never something you got to have if you are living in a multiple system. Also, well, you said you had just read First Person Plural. I have too, BOTH books that got that name. One of them i thot was WAY ICKY. The other one was Cool and neat and one I think you should for sure read!!! Here are both the names. Can you tell me which one YOU read? I am real glad you posted and I hope you will write more and also write me too if you got questions on what it is like for me and the other folks here to be living in a multiple system. I hope we can be pals,
jules, 12, gayboy and darn proud of it!!! :)

First Person Plural : My Life As a Multiple
Author: Cameron West, PhD.
(this is the one that I thot was ICKY)

First Person Plural: Multiple Personality and the Philosophy of Mind
Author: Stephen E. Braude, PhD.
Publisher: Routledge
(this is the one that is TOTALY AWESOME!!!)

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  • changed the name of multiple personality disorder to DID -- Sonia, 23:59:38 01/29/01 Mon

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